Title of the Unit: Animals
Subject: Science
Course / Level: 2º primary
1. Learning outcomes / Evaluation criteria
To classify animals by their diet (carnivore, herbivore or omnivore).
To identify some mammals and recognise their characteristics.
To identify some birds and name their basic characteristics.
2. Subject Content
Knowledge of different kinds of animals.
Classification of animals
Simple sentences related to animals.
3. Language Content / Communication
Nouns: mammal, bird, zebra, bear, rabbit, snake, monkey hen, eagle, legs, wings. ...
Adjectives: carnivore, omnivore, herbivore...
Verb: live, to be, drink, born, have, breathe...
Classroom language:
How are you today?
Let's see if everyone is here.
Ok, everybody look outside! What's the weather like today?
How do you say______ in English?
Can you help me, please?
Can I sharper my pencil, please?
Can you explain that again?
Speak more slowly, please.
Can you repeat please?
Can I go to the toilet, please?
Is this correct?
Teacher, I have a question.
Can I do that exercise on the board?
See you at the next lesson! Goodbye! Have a good day!
Specific language about animals:
The ..... is a/an ......
Is the ... ?
Yes, it is/No, it isn't
It is... / It is born from
.../ It has / It breathes
with ...
They live in / on
My favourite animal is...
Discourse type
Repetition, playing a group game, describe, explain, and drawing.
Language skills
Reading, listening and speaking.
4. Contextual (cultural) element
To identify some animals and recognise their characteristics.
5. Cognitive (thinking) processes
Analyse, compare and understand.
6.a. Tasks
Students will be able to name three animas and tell a fact about each one.
Students will be able to identify which animal is carnvivore when shown two animal pictures.
Students will collaborate on the classroom activities.
6. b Activity
Activity 1.
Describe animals
Divide the class into pairs.
For each student give one card with an animal. They should not show the picture to their partner.
The object of the game is to guess which animal have their partner.
To do this they will have to ask questions. For example: Have you got a tail?
Their partner may only give yes/no answers.
The game is finished when each player has guessed the animal and has written a short text about the animal. E.g.: She/He has a chicken card. A chicken has two legs, feathers and bick. A chicken hasn't tail.
Activity 2
Play Stand up if it's mammals.
Shuffle together a selction of animal flashcards including some that are mammals and some that are not. Say to the pupils Stand up if it's a mammal. Show tha flashcards in random order. If the flashcards shows a mammal, the pupils should stand up. Encourage them to say for example: a monkey After a few turns, simply name animals, only showing the flashcard to help less confident pupils.
Activity 3
Interactive activity
Activity 4
Review activities: Desing an animal
We design an animal must design their characteristics with the vocabulary learned in the unit.
The name of my animal is: _________________________
My animal is in the _________________ category of animals.
The reason it is in this category is:_____________
Here is a description of my animal:_______________
Here is a drawing of my animal, both as a baby and an adult:
My animal eats these things: ________________________
Play the game: http://sciencenetlinks.com/interactives/class.html
7. Methodology
Organization and class distribution / timing
Conductor: students.
Distribution: pairs.
Timing: 20 minutes.
Resources / Materials
Animals cards.
Piece of paper to write the text.
Pencil or pen.
Book: Macmillan Natural and Social Science Prymary 2.
The videos will be on the PDI. To end the class sing the songs.
Video to review the unit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxOFsHfJYbQ#t=54
Let's sing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoSq-yZcJ-4
Activities will take place in the computer room. Students should look for more activities in educaplay.com.
Animal characteristics: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/kidscorner/games/animalclassgame.htm
Classification: http://sciencenetlinks.com/interactives/class.html
Puzzle: http://en.educaplay.com/en/learningresources/1861437/animals.htm
Quiz: http://en.educaplay.com/en/learningresources/1863701/what_do_animals_eat_.htm
Key Competences
Communicate in foreign language.
Linguistic communicational skills.
Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world.
Social and Civil skills.
Learning to learn skills.
8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)
Uses correct structures in the questions/answers.
Recognizes vocabulary about animals.
Participates in the activities and enjoy with them.
Participates in speaking and writing activities.
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me parece muy interesante y atractiva la variedad de recursos que empleas: actividades, juegos e incluso actividades interactivas. todas ellas muy ilustrativas y con marcado carácter motivador por el alumnado de corta edad al que va dirigida tu unidad.muchas gracias.un saludo!