domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015

Numerical Proportion


Name of the didactic unit: Numerical Proportion
Level/ Courso: 2º  ESO

This is one of the most important unit to be studied by the students  because we can use it in our daily life. Each day, we use percentages, rules of three  and proportions in orden to cope with our daily problems. 
Maybe, we wouldn't use a paper and a pencil to solve the problems in the street, but we have the correct tools to face them.

This unit is programmed in 6 sessions and I have posed several activities with different level. Also, we´ll use many online resources in the Internet to complete the unit in order to improve our knowledge.

To summ up the unit:

Learning outcomes / Evaluation criteria
  • To define quotient and proportion between two magnitudes.
  • To recognize directly and indirectly proportional magnitudes.

  • To calculate directly and indirectly proportional constants.

  • To solve problems with the rule of the three.

  • To calculate percentages.

  • To calculate simple and compound interest.

  • To use problems in the daily life. 

     (a) Task(s)

To build a recipe about a typical dish from your village. Firstly for 4 people, secondly for 1 person and finally for 15 people.

    (b) Activities

Activit 1:

The students have to proof that two different magnitudes are directly or indirectly proportional.

Activity 2:

In group of four people, they have to invent a problem about percentages in daily life.

Activity 3:

To practise several problems about the rule of tree in real life.

Activity 4:

In group of four people, the students have to invent a recipe using proportional data.

Activity 5:

To solve problems about simple and compound interest.

Activity 6:

To improve your knowledge. Find out more about proportional ratios. For example into the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio.


Session1: Definition of quotient and proportion. Activities: Recognize proportion and directly and indectly proportionals magnitudes.

Session 2: The rule of three direct and indirect. Problems with the rule of three.

Session 3: Look for in the Internet daily life problems .Work in group of four people .

Session 4: Definition of percentages. Examples of problems with percentages. How important the percentages are in our life. Descount and taxes.

Session 5: Work in group of four people. Invent problems where percentage appears in our life.

Session 6: Work the simple and compound interes.

This is the website where you can find my unit.

Session1: Definition of quotient and proportion. Activities: Recognize proportion and directly and indectly proportionals magnitudes.

Session 2: The rule of three direct and indirect. Problems with the rule of three.

Session 3: Look for in the Internet daily life problems .Work in group of four people .

Session 4: Definition of percentages. Examples of problems with percentages. How important the percentages are in our life. Descount and taxes.

Session 5: Work in group of four people. Invent problems where percentage appears in our life.

Session 6: Work the simple and compound interes.

This is the website where you can find my unit:

Session1: Definition of quotient and proportion. Activities: Recognize proportion and directly and indectly proportionals magnitudes.

Session 2: The rule of three direct and indirect. Problems with the rule of three.

Session 3: Look for in the Internet daily life problems .Work in group of four people .

Session 4: Definition of percentages. Examples of problems with percentages. How important the percentages are in our life. Descount and taxes.

Session 5: Work in group of four people. Invent problems where percentage appears in our life.

Session 6: Work the simple and compound interes.

This is the website where you can find my unit:

Verónica Martín Gutiérrez

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