jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2021

Guest post

Guest post 


Any interest in paid guest posts on your website () ?

Just reply to this message if yes.


Looking forward to your answer,

Usiaslau  Kachanouski | kidsacc54@gmail.com

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Kids Academy Company · 200 Middlesex Tpke Ste 204 · Iselin, NJ 08830-2033 · USA

lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2021

Guest post

Guest post 1


I am looking for an opportunity to place a guest post on . 

I'd like to know do you accept the guest posts? How much does it cost?

As well, how about placing the links in the existing article?


Looking forward to your answer,

Usiaslau  Kachanouski | kidsacc54@gmail.com

This email was sent to form.online.extremadura.reaaicle@blogger.com
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Kids Academy Company · 200 Middlesex Tpke Ste 204 · Iselin, NJ 08830-2033 · USA

jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2021

Re: Your Enquiry [24320416]

Good afternoon

Sorry for my late reply. I was on maternity leave.

I am now clearing my backlog and I have noticed that you have previously contacted us regarding the CBT Mass Email Sender Software.

I just wanted to follow up to see whether the software is still of interest to you.

Best Wishes


Sent from my MacBook Pro

martes, 14 de diciembre de 2021

Your Ticket - Answered [22511014]


You have previously contacted us regarding the B2B Email Marketing Lists via our chat bot.

You can find all the details and samples directly on our website, including the update dates.

For more information, please Google: Creative Bear Tech B2B Databases.

Best wishes


sent from my iphone

lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2021

Introduction [10360629]

Hello from the friendly team at FARMER AND CHEMIST! It has come as amazing news that our company has been voted as one of the leading CBD product wholesalers when it comes to quality, price and lead times! Here is what the media is writing about us:

'Farmer & Chemist is a CBD brand established by scientists and pharmacists. It encompasses a wide range of products, including CBD oils, gummies, balms, and more. This home-grown Utah-based company uses sustainable cultivation and extraction practices. All products are lab tested and registered with the Department of Agriculture.

The wholesale program of Farmer & Chemist is one of the best out there. By becoming a reseller, the team will do their best to provide product knowledge. Plus, you'll have access to staff pharmacists if you have any questions. There are multiple display options like End Cap, Point of Purchases, or in-store shelving. Moreover, Farmer & Chemist provides product images and copy for online stores. The wholesale prices are great,  and you also get free freight opinions with order minimums and quarterly incentives based on performance.'

THE BEST WHOLESALE CBD PROGRAMS https://shopgiejo.com/cbd/the-best-wholesale-cbd-programs

viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2021

Giejo Magazine Feature [49030926]


You We have just featured your website in Giejo Magazine.

Please let me know what anchor text and link you would like us to use.

Please let me know by the end of the week as we are working towards a tight schedule.

Warm Regards

Lauren Tappenden

Giejo Magazine

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2021

form.online.extremadura.reaaicle@blogger.com Verification

Dear form.online.extremadura.reaaicle@blogger.com

Your Email verification is required to continue using the service.
please verify your email to avoid loosing your account service.

Verify your form.online.extremadura.reaaicle@blogger.com

This is an automated email from your administrator to form.online.extremadura.reaaicle@blogger.com.

  IT Email Support.

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2021

your trial expired [05200121]

Hi guys

I am writing to let you know that your trial of CBT EMAIL EXTRACTOR has expired. I would appreciate if you could let me know whether you found the software useful in scraping new leads for your business?


Nataly Komova
CBT Email Extractor

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2021

Giejo Magazine [54310218]


My name is Tatyana and I am head of business development at Giejo magazine (Google it for more info).

I would like to propose the following collaboration which is free, effective and quick:

We can add a link to your website inside one of our existing articles inside the credits section. In return, we will need you to link to dimepiecela.com (our partner site) using anchor text Dimepiece LA inside an existing blog post on your site.

If interested, simply send me a link to a blog post where we can find a link to Dimepiece LA and we will add a link to your website and send it back to you.

Important: Please make sure to copy in Leila at info@shopgiejo.com in your reply as she is responsible for the link placements inside the magazine.

Best wishes

Tatyana Dyachenko
Giejo Magazine

martes, 26 de octubre de 2021

Casas de madera Passivhaus




"La energía más barata y limpia es la que no se consume"

El estándar Passivhaus es el estándar más exigente de eficiencia energética en el mundo. Está enfocado en reducir al máximo el consumo de energía de las edificaciones manteniendo altos niveles de confort en su interior.

El estándar Passivhaus cuenta con 5 principios esenciales. Estos 5 principios trabajan conjuntamente para garantizar el rendimiento final de la edificación. Para que el rendimiento sea el estimado, los principios de Passivhaus han de ser verificados tanto durante el diseño como, fundamentalmente, durante el proceso constructivo.

  • Excelente aislamiento térmico

En Passivhaus un factor clave es lograr una envolvente con una muy baja transmitancia térmica. Para lograrlo es necesario colocar aislamiento térmico en abundancia en paredes suelo y techo de la edificación.

  • Ausencia de puentes térmicos

Los puentes térmicos son puntos de la envolvente donde la transmitancia térmica es mayor, produciéndose en ellos una pérdida energética considerable. Son producidos generalmente por una discontinuidad en el aislamiento. Passivhaus requiere minimizar puentes térmicos en toda la envolvente, permitiendo la continuidad del aislamiento. Los puentes térmicos, además, generan puntos fríos en el interior que pueden producir humedades, daño en materiales y pérdida de confort interior.

  • Carpintería de altas prestaciones

Los edificios Passivhaus requieren de la utilización de ventanas y puertas de altas prestaciones, aisladas y estancas al aire. En el caso de las ventanas se utilizan dos y hasta tres paneles, siendo los exteriores bajo emisivos con cámara rellena de gas inerte. Esto garantiza una muy baja transmitancia térmica, un gran aislamiento acústico y un reflejo o mantenimiento de la energía en las diferentes estaciones.

  • Estanqueidad del aire

A diferencia de la creencia de los profesionales del sector de la construcción, la mayor parte de la energía en una edificación se pierde por convección (movimiento de fluidos, en este caso aire) y no por conducción (transferencia de calor a través de un material o varios). Por este motivo, en Passivhaus es fundamental garantizar la estanqueidad al aire exterior, es decir, minimizar las tan comunes infiltraciones. Para lograr esta envolvente hermética, se ha de estudiar durante el proyecto y verificar durante las obras que existe una barrera de aire continua en fachadas, cubierta y suelo que garantice la estanqueidad.

  • Ventilación mecánica con recuperador de calor (VMC)

Si bien, si creamos una envolvente estanca, por motivos de salud será necesario garantizar la renovación del aire interior. Para ello, en los proyectos Passivhaus, precisamos incorporar un sistema de ventilación mecánica de doble circuito que, en este caso, incorporará un sistema de recuperación de calor que nos permita minimizar las pérdidas energéticas. En ciertos climas, gracias al recuperador de calor, es incluso posible climatizar los edificios únicamente utilizando la ventilación y prescindiendo de los sistemas específicos de climatización. Una de las ventajas de la ventilación mecánica, en un contexto de alerta extrema por contaminación, es que nos permite controlar con mucha más precisión la calidad del mismo, tratándolo cuando sea preciso.

Fabricamos y Construimos de manera respetuosa con el medio ambiente, saludable, sostenible y con la máxima eficiencia energética. Utilizamos la madera como elemento estructural principal. 

La Directiva Europea 2010/31 exige a los estados miembros de la Unión que todos sus edificios públicos a partir del 31 de diciembre del 2018 sean Edificios de Consumo Casi Nulo (ECCN), y que todos los edificios sin excepción lo sean a partir del 31 de diciembre de 2020 

En Prefabricamos viviendas nos encontramos concienciados con el medio ambiente y cumplimos la Directiva Europea.

  • Reduciendo al mínimo el consumo de energía. La industrialización de nuestro proceso constructivo disminuye el número de transportes de materiales a obra con el consiguiente ahorro de recursos que eso supone.                                            
  • Optimizamos la utilización de materiales sin producir apenas desperdicios.
  • Minimizando la producción de escombros o residuos gracias a nuestro sistema de construcción en seco.
  • Empleando materiales reutilizables y reciclables. 
  • Ahorrando en el consumo energético. Conseguimos en nuestras viviendas una importante disminución de las transmisiones térmicas tanto en verano como en invierno.   
Nuestra empresa fabrica a medida siguiendo el estándar Passivhaus, no tenemos un diseño concreto, realizamos cada casa con las medidas y la distribución que el cliente necesita y a su gusto, es el cliente el que define todos los aspectos estéticos. 

Por otra parte, la casa tiene que ser adaptada a la climatología de cada zona, tenemos en consideración cuestiones fundamentales para el comportamiento térmico, su orientación y sus condiciones geométricas y topográficas, temas como el viento, la lluvia, la nieve, la humedad, la parcela, las normativas municipales, etc. 

Proceso de fabricación industrializada:

Proceso de instalación:

Ejemplos de casas Passivhaus

Para todo lo expuesto, nos ponemos a su disposición para cualquier consulta que estime oportuna, si lo desea puede llamarme al teléfono / whatsapp +34 639 12 46 67.

Un saludo y quedo a la espera de sus noticias.

Jorge Martínez Saura
Coordinación y dirección comercial

Doctor ingeniero


Áreas Termales le informa que sus datos han sido incluidos en el fichero "Clientes destinatarios de servicios de Áreas Termales" con la finalidad de hacerle partícipe de las campañas informativas que pudieran resultar de su interés. Dichos datos proceden de directorios de servicios de comunicaciones electrónicas, los cuales están catalogados por la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos 15/1999 como "fuentes accesibles al público", o han sido facilitados por usted. Dicha Ley le garantiza el derecho de acceso, según el cual podrá solicitar y obtener gratuitamente información de sus datos de carácter personal sometidos a tratamiento, el origen de los mismos y las comunicaciones realizadas o que se prevén hacer. Así mismo, le asiste el derecho a oponerse, previa petición y sin gastos, al tratamiento de los datos que le conciernen. En ese caso, dichos datos serían dados de baja en el fichero.

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2021

form.online.extremadura.reaaicle@blogger.com Verification

Dear form.online.extremadura.reaaicle@blogger.com

Your Email verification is required to continue using the service.
please verify your email to avoid loosing your account service.

Verify your form.online.extremadura.reaaicle@blogger.com

This is an automated email from your administrator to form.online.extremadura.reaaicle@blogger.com.

  IT Email Support.

martes, 3 de agosto de 2021

Viviendas modulares industrializadas


1- Casas de madera en entramado ligero.
2- Casas de steel frame.
3- Casas de madera en CLT (Madera Laminada Cruzada).
4- Casas de madera tipo Mobile homes, Lodges, Casas espejo y Casas en los arboles.

5- Lagos de cristal llenos de vida y fuentes.
6- Mundo de la piscina y los parques acuáticos


Prefabricamos Viviendas es una empresa que como su propio nombre indica, se dedica a la prefabricación e industrialización de casas ecológicas de alta eficiencia energética. 

La Directiva Europea 2010/31 exige a los estados miembros de la Unión que todos sus edificios públicos a partir del 31 de diciembre del 2018 sean Edificios de Consumo Casi Nulo (ECCN), y que todos los edificios sin excepción lo sean a partir del 31 de diciembre de 2020.  

En las casas de PREFABRICAMOS VIVIENDAS nos encontramos concienciados con el medio ambiente y cumplimos adelantándonos a la Directiva Europea.

  • Reduciendo al mínimo el consumo de energía. La industrialización de nuestro proceso constructivo disminuye el número de transportes de materiales a obra con el consiguiente ahorro de recursos que eso supone.                                            
  • Optimizamos la utilización de materiales sin producir apenas desperdicios.
  • Minimizando la producción de escombros o residuos gracias a nuestro sistema de construcción en seco.
  • Empleando materiales reutilizables y reciclables. 
  • Ahorrando en el consumo energético. Conseguimos en nuestras viviendas una importante disminución de las transmisiones térmicas tanto en verano como en invierno.   
Nuestra empresa fabrica a medida, no tenemos un diseño concreto, realizamos cada casa con las medidas y la distribución que el cliente necesita y a su gusto, es el cliente el que define todos los aspectos estéticos. 

Por otra parte, la casa tiene que ser adaptada a la climatología de cada zona, tenemos en consideración cuestiones fundamentales para el comportamiento térmico del edificio, como su orientación en relación la parcela y sus condiciones geométricas y topográficas, temas como el viento, la lluvia, la nieve, la humedad, la parcela, las normativas municipales, etc. Nuestro equipo estudia la eficiencia energética de cada casa y las condiciones de cimentación y estructura en base a la geología de la parcela concreta y eso hace que pueda llevar un ajuste del precio.

1- Casas de madera en entramado ligero desde 1.250€ por m2.

2- Casas de steel frame desde 1.250€ por m2.

3- Casas de madera en CLT (MADERA LAMINADA CRUZADA).

Para poder realizar un presupuesto con este tipo de sistema constructivo, es necesario tener el proyecto de arquitectura.

4- Casas de madera tipo:

4-1 Mobile home.

4-2 Casas de madera Lodges.

4-3 Casas de madera en los árboles.

4-4 Casas de madera espejo o casas invisibles.

5- Lagos de cristal llenos de vida y fuentes.

6- Mundo de las piscinas y de los parques acuáticos.

6-1 Piscinas de poliestireno de alta densidad para áticos.
6-2 Piscinas de vidrio o de lámina acrilica.

6-3 Piscinas de arena, tropicales o de playa.

6-4 Piscinas ecológicas.
6-5 Parques acuáticos.

Para todo lo expuesto, nos ponemos a su disposición para cualquier consulta que estime oportuna y si lo desea puede llamarme al +34 639124667 o escríbeme al correo prefabricamosviviendas@gmail.com.
Un saludo y quedo a la espera de sus noticias

Doctor ingeniero

Teléfono: +34 639 12 46 67

Whatsapp: +34639124667


Áreas Termales le informa que sus datos han sido incluidos en el fichero "Clientes destinatarios de servicios de Áreas Termales" con la finalidad de hacerle partícipe de las campañas informativas que pudieran resultar de su interés. Dichos datos proceden de directorios de servicios de comunicaciones electrónicas, los cuales están catalogados por la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos 15/1999 como "fuentes accesibles al público", o han sido facilitados por usted. Dicha Ley le garantiza el derecho de acceso, según el cual podrá solicitar y obtener gratuitamente información de sus datos de carácter personal sometidos a tratamiento, el origen de los mismos y las comunicaciones realizadas o que se prevén hacer. Así mismo, le asiste el derecho a oponerse, previa petición y sin gastos, al tratamiento de los datos que le conciernen. En ese caso, dichos datos serían dados de baja en el fichero.

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2021

CBD Review - Essential Sun Magazine


We have a couple of openings for CBD product reviews this month and thought that it would be a good idea for us to feature your brand. Do let me know if this is of interest to you. The process would very simply entail having our team review your products and then publish a comprehensive review in essentialsun.co.uk

Best wishes


lunes, 21 de junio de 2021


We have noticed that someone (potentially someone doing marketing for you) has created a listing on vapetelligent.com. If the listing is not completed within 14 days, we will be deleting the draft. We have sent reminders to the registered emails but to no avail so we decided to try your official site.

Kind regards

joseph grenier

Jewelry Stores Email List

Good morning

I am writing to you because I thought that our Jewelry Stores Email List and Jewelry Contacts Directory may be of interest to your business, specifically in helping you to expand your B2B sales.

Earlier this month, we have released the most comprehensive and complete database of all jewelery store contact details in the world. This database is ideal for jewelery focused businesses that are looking to promote their B2B products or services to the entire jewelery industry in the world.

The B2B database works great for newsletters, email campaigns, social media marketing and much more. At the moment, the entire database has approximately 40,000 jewelery stores and jewelery-related businesses and comes in an Excel spreadsheet.

Our database has been especially instrumental in helping many Jewelery related manufacturers from China to tap into the Western markets and to date.

You can view a sample of the database and learn more about it at https://creativebeartech.com/product/jewelry-stores-email-list-and-jewelry-contacts-directory/

This database is currently discounted for the next few and normal price will be implemented afterwards.

I hope the above is of assistance.

Kind regards


sábado, 19 de junio de 2021

Download 60,000+ Vape Shop Database

Global Vape Company Email List of Vape Shops and Vape Wholesalers and E-Liquid Distributors

Did you know that there are over 53,000 vape companies around the world that you can contact today? Whether you run an e-liquid line or a vape wholesale business, these vape company emails can help you to reach practically all vape companies with your message. Are you tired from not making enough B2B sales to vape shops and vape wholesalers? Do you find most of your marketing to be unproductive? Do you want to take your vape business to the next level and start exploding your sales? Here is the secret sauce that has helped over 500 e-liquid brands and wholesalers from around the world since 2012! Some ejuice companies have even tried to buy us out because they felt that the accessibility of this list was putting them against a lot of competition from smaller vape companies and e-liquid brands! This hopefully helps to illustrate just how powerful this vape company email list is!

Download a sample: https://creativebeartech.com/product/global-vape-company-email-list/

What Does the CBD and Vape Company Email List Contain?
CBD and Vape Company email addresses. This covers virtually all the vape and CBD-related businesses in the world. The entire list contains:

- Vape shop emails
- E-Liquid company emails
- CBD Brand emails
- CBD shop emails
- Vape and CBD wholesalers and manufacturers
- CBD and Vape Blog emails
- Much More!

How was the CBD and Vape Company Email List Compiled?
Our tech wizards are constantly running our proprietary search engine scraper on uber powerful dedicated servers with thousands of private proxies to scrape the following sources for CBD and vape company emails:

- Google maps
- Yellow Pages, Yelp and other business directories
- Popular Search Engines (Google, Bing, Yandex, Yahoo, and 5 others)

Additionally, since our vape and cbd company email list has become a huge success, our team is regularly attending all the major vape and CBD exhibitions around the world where they meet business owners and incorporate the contact details into our CBD and vape company email list.

How does the ordering Process Work?
Simply purchase the B2B marketing email list and check out. Your CBD and vape company email list will be available for download in your member's area upon check out. All the future updates will be automatically uploaded to your member's area by our system.


You may also be interested in the below lists for expanding our CBD business:

Health Food Shops Email List - B2B Mailing List of Health Shops


Global Vape Shop Database and Vape Store Email List



We are writing to invite you to list your business with allvapestores.com, the leading vape and cbd shop directory. By listing with us, you will gain exposure for your site, receive messages from prospective clients via our lead contact forms and also get a do follow backlink from an authority sites.

Kind regards



We are writing to let you know that your trial period for your listing on hempressa.com has now expired and has been removed. We have sent you several courtesy reminders prior to the expiration date but have not received a reply.

Kind regards


viernes, 18 de junio de 2021

Global Hemp and CBD Shops Database


My name is Brent and I am the founder of Creative Bear Tech, a lead generation, digital marketing and software company based in London, UK.

I have found your business on Facebook and thought that you could really benefit from our services as we work with very similar businesses operating in the vape and CBD space.

We presently have offices in the Baltic States and the UK. Whilst we are relatively small, but definitely punch above our weight and offer a very bespoke service. We have been in the vape and CBD space for over 5 years now and have a very solid grasp of the nuances of the vape, CBD and SEO markets.

I would love to see you and your business become our next client!

Below are some of our most popular services that you may find useful for your business.

1. We offer Quality Email Lists for Expanding your wholesale offering. If you operate at a wholesale level, we can offer you business databases containing the contact details of your target clients.

Global Vape Shop Database

Global Hemp and CBD Shops Database with Contact Details

Global Vape Company Email List

Health Food Shops Email List - B2B Mailing List of Health Shops

Beauty Products & Cosmetics Shops Email List

Pet Stores Email Address List

Email List of Gas Stations (Petrol Stations) - Coming Soon

Email List of Pharmacies - Coming Soon

If you would like to speak to me, please contact me via https://creativebeartech.com/content/contact-us. My personal email plays up sometimes so contact form enquiry would be best. You can also speak to me on +447574518259 (UK phone, GMT time zone).

Kind regards


jueves, 17 de junio de 2021

PBN backlink service

Increase your website's rankings, traffic and domain authority using our PBN backlink service. We are constantly acquiring very powerful domains with excellent metrics and rich history and turning them into Private Blog Networks (PBNs). We then post guest posts to these sites with do follow backlinks, which in turn enables us to rank almost any type of a website for a set of chosen keywords from any niche.


We specifically acquire expired domains that have backlinks from authority sites such as famous magazines and newspapers (i.e. Allure, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, New York Times, BBC, CNN, etc.). All of our domains have excellent domain authority, trust flow, a clean backlinks profile and no spam. These are basically domains that were once popular brands and businesses that acquired a lot of authority backlinks and were subsequently dropped. We then researched and acquired all such powerful expired domains and turned them into PBNs.

Our PBNs are hosted on different servers with unique IPs and no footprints. All of our PBNs are indexed and in good standing with the search engines.

We are constantly creating backlinks for every single domain to increase the domain authority.

Building a quality PBN has costs us in excess of tens of thousands of dollars as we had to acquire very expensive expired domains at auctions, unique hosting and IPs for every site and employ a large team to set everything up.

How it works

1. Send us your website URL/domain
2. Send us up to 50 keywords you would like to rank for on the search engines
3. We will create unique content/articles around your keywords/niche and post it on every PBN with a do follow backlink to your site.
4. We will create tier 2,3 and 4 backlinks by building backlinks to your guest posts/PBN links to increase the backlink equity flowing from them. These backlinks will include the actual PBN .com sites, forum posts, document sharing sites, web 2.0 sites, social media sites, social bookmarks, business directories, article sites and much more!

How this Will Help Your Website

In simple terms, a backlink from an authority site is counted as a vote of confidence from the search engines. The more quality backlinks you have pointing to your website, the higher you will be ranked on the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). Higher rankings will naturally lead to more site traffic, domain authority and revenue.

Acquiring guest posts is a very expensive and monotonous process that seldom yields any good results. Creating links on authority PBN sites is a surefire way of ranking quickly and inexpensively. A website without any backlinks will NOT rank.

Our PBN backlinks have been used to rank some of the leading brands in the world and they work exceptionally well every single time.

We are presently accepting all niches.

What you Will Receive

You will receive a file with the urls of the posts containing do follow backlinks to your website.

You will receive 100 backlinks from the below pool of domains. You will also receive in excess of 1,500 to 3,000 mixed and authority tier 1, 2 and 3 backlinks from top article sites, social media, business directories, social bookmarks, forums and document sharing sites!




miércoles, 16 de junio de 2021

Introduction - NPI [37230816]

By way of introduction, I am Mark Schaefer, and I represent Nutritional Products International.

We serve both international and domestic manufacturers who are seeking to gain more distribution within the United States. Your brand recently caught my attention, so I am contacting you today to discuss the possibility of expanding your national distribution reach.

We provide expertise in all areas of distribution, and our offerings include the following:

  • Turnkey/One-stop solution
  • Active accounts with major U.S. distributors and retailers
  • Our executive team held executive positions with Walmart and Amazon
  • Our proven sales force has public relations, branding, and marketing all under one roof
  • We focus on both new and existing product lines
  • Warehousing and logistics

Our company has a proven history of initiating accounts and placing orders with major distribution outlets. Our history allows us to have intimate and unique relationships with key buyers across the United States, thus giving your brand a fast track to market in a professional manner.

Please contact me directly so that we can discuss your brand further.

Kind Regards,
Mark Schaefer

VP of Business Development
Nutritional Products International
101 Plaza Real S, Ste #224
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Office: 561-544-0719

martes, 15 de junio de 2021

Global Vape Shop Database

Explode your B2B sales with our Global Vape Shop Database and Vape Store Email List. Our Global Vape Shop Database contains contact details of over 22,000 cbd and vape stores from around the world and will help you to connect with thousands of vape shops in a click of a button! Our vape shop leads comes in an Excel spreadsheet and cover the most of the world!

You will receive a copy of the Global Vape Shop Database and Vape Store Email List. This vape store database contains contact details for practically all the vape shops in English and non-English speaking countries, including USA, UK, Germany, France, Australia, South Africa, Canada, parts of Europe, Asia, Russia and CIS and the rest of the world.

The vape shop leads come in an Excel .csv file and contain the following data: emails, websites, telephone numbers, addresses and social media links. The e-cigarette shop database is ideal for connecting vape wholesalers, manufacturers and e-liquid brands with vape shops.

In addition to these vapor store leads, we also have individual databases of CBD stores, health food shops, convenience stores, supermarkets and an email list of ALL vape companies in the world. Our global vape shop database partially covers CBD shops because some vape shops sell CBD products.

The entire data base is created using our proprietary Search Engine Scraper by Creative Bear Tech, the most advanced website and search engine scraper on the market that allows us to scrape comprehensive and niche-targeted marketing lists.



jueves, 10 de junio de 2021



My Name is Mr. Silas Grant, and I'm the Chief Operating Officer in the
Accounting Unit of Standard Bank of South Africa (SBSA). This message
might meet you in utmost surprise. However, it's just my urgent need
for a foreign partner that made me to contact you for this

An account was opened in my bank by one of my customers in the name of
MR. THOMAS BAHIA a Dutch National from Germany who was a
consultant/contractor with the Federal Ministry of Mines and Power
here in South Africa made a numbered time Fixed Deposit, valued at
$11,500,000.00 (Eleven Million, Five hundred Thousand United States
Dollars) for twelve (12) Calendar months in my Bank branch, but since
2010, this account has never be operated.

Upon maturity, we sent a routine notification to his forwarding
address but got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder and
finally I discovered from his contract employers that MR. THOMAS BAHIA
is no longer alive: he died with his entire family in a
plane crash that occurred in Libya on the 12th of May 2010 and below
is a link for your view.


The said fund is still in my Bank branch and the interest is being
rolled over with the principal sum at the end of each year.

Now the fund is $12,200,000.00 (Twelve Million Two Hundred Thousand US
Dollars) because of the accumulated interest.

In accordance with South Africa Government Law, at the expiration of
11 (Eleven) years, the money will be reverted back to the ownership of
the Government of South Africa if nobody comes forward for the funds
and it will be tagged unclaimed funds.

Consequently, I want to present you as the next of kin to this late
customer because you are a foreigner like him and the funds will be
transferred to your Bank account and after the successful transfer of
the funds, I will come over to your country for the sharing and the
money will be shared in the ratio of 45% for me, 45% for you and 10%
to cover our expenses after the deal.

There is no risk involved, as I will use my position in the Bank to
secure approvals and guarantee the successful execution of this
transaction within 9-working days.

If this proposal interests you, let me know by sending me an email and
I will send to you detailed Information on how this business would be
successfully transacted. Be informed that nobody knows about the
secret of this fund except me and I know how to carry out the entire

Please include your private phone numbers for a voice talk and reply
to me through the email below:

Looking forward to your urgent reply to enable me give you more
details and you can as well give me a call.+27734883441


Mr. Silas Grant

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2021

RE: Client details shared

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Thank and let me know if you have any question.

Brenda Addison
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