domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015


Hola soy Mª José y voy a comentar mi unidad didáctica.
El título es   "RENEWABLE ENERGY" va dirigida a alumnos de 2ºde ESO para la asignatura de Ciencias Naturales y está en inglés.
Los objetivos  y tareas son:

Partiendo de la definición de energía, se pasa a distinguir entre energías renovables y fósiles así como sus ventajas e inconvenientes.
Conocer los principales recursos de energías renovables, y analizarlos, para posteriormente, compararlos con los recursos tradicionales.
Aprender a buscar información en internet sobre un tema específico y resumir la información obtenida en posters o exposiciones orales o debates.
Comunicarse en la lengua extranjera(inglés) de forma clara y utilizando las estructuras que corresponden a su nivel, de forma escrita y oral.
Relacionar conceptos utilizando el vocabulario adecuado.
Para ello se trabajaran las cuatro destrezas lingüísticas.
Para ellos se han diseñado una serie de actividades, como son:

Para la actividad 1 se propone una tormenta de ideas



    "Where does the energy we use come from?"

    Lead them into saying the obvious: "Energy comes from an energy source."

    Write a heading of "Sources" on the board and brainstorm with the class for examples of energy sources. As this is occurring, pass out the worksheet

How much do you know about energy?


Think of the answer to this question and then tell it to your partner:

Do you think that these are sources of energy: an apple, a fire, water? Why?

I think....

Do you agree??

No, I don't agree,

I think...

Activity1. Initial activity

How much do you know about energy? Think of the answer to this question and then tell it to your partner:

Do you think that these are sources of energy: an apple, a fire, stars, water? Why? Work in pairs.

Activity 2

Now you are going to listen to some information about energy.

After listening and reading the text, work in pairs filling the gaps.

Activity 3

In group of 3, we are goign to look for information on the Internet(each group one different ENERGY

SOURCES IN THE WORLD (Natural gas, coal, oil, wind, nuclear, ocean,hydropower, biomass)

Each group will work in a different source.

Make a list answering these questions:

  • What is SOURCE( Natural gas....biomass energy?

  • Where does it come from?

  • What are its advantages/disadvantages?

Activity 4

Each group will make a poster with all the information from activity 3, including drawings, pictures and

specif vocabulary (5 or 6 words)

Activity 5

Your group should write 80 to 100 words summarizing your work in activity 3

Activity 6

One student from each group in Activity 3 will participate in a debate on the topic:

"Renewable or non renewable, that ́s the question"

If you are not one of the students in the debate, don ́t worry, you will be able to participate and give your

opinion in the final 10 minutes of the round table.

Activity 7

Self-assessment activity, tick: if you can, cannot, more or less

A continuación os muestro los recursos y materiales que he elaborado para utilizar en esta unidad.

    Resources / Materials

  • Text books




  • Videos :

  • Games ( pairs game) (Crossword) (wordgrid)

  • The Internet and computers

Sources found using the Internet (filling gaps) (filling gaps) (fIlling gaps) (Test) (videoquiz) (vocabulary) (Linguistic scafolding)

  • Posters, pictures, …






Energy is the ability of a system to do work. It is a physical quantity which produce a change or an effect.

In the International System, the unit of measurement for energy is the JOULE (J)

There are vdifferent types of energy, for example: Chemical energy, Electrical energy, Thermal energy, between others types.

Renewable and non-renewable energy

Energy sources are limitated some times, sources obtained from beneath the Earth. There are being used faster than they can be replenisshed. Soon these sources will run out.

There are two types: fossil fuels and uranium.

On the other hand, there are energy sources, which are replenished.continously and naturally. We call these energy souces renewable energies

We use energy for just about everything. But did you know that most of the energy that we use today is non-renewable? This means that it is not endless; it will eventually run out! Because non-enewable energy can eventually run out, we have to be really careful about how much we use! Otherwise, people in the future won't have any energy to do the things we love to do today. Can you imagine what life would be like without being able to turn off the alarm in the morning or surf the internet? That would be pretty hard!

Do you remember the difference between renewable and non-renewable?

What is Solar Energy?

Solar energy is radiant energy that is produced by the sun. Every day

the sun radiates, or sends out, an enormous amount of energy. The sun

radiates more energy in one second than people have used since the

beginning of time!

Where does the energy come from that constantly radiates from the sun?

It comes from within the sun itself. Like other stars, the sun is a big ball

of gases—mostly hydrogen and helium atoms. The hydrogen atoms in

the sun's core combine to form helium and generate energy in a process

called nuclear fusion.


What do you know about Wind Energy ?

Have you ever seen a wind farm? Wind farms are located in really windy places, where machines known as wind turbines are used to harness the wind. Did you know that the energy from wind can be captured to generate electricity in a way that is safe for the environment? As long as the sun shines, there will be wind on the Earth. We will never run out of wind energy! That is because wind energy is renewable.

Wind is simply air in motion. It is produced by the uneven heating of the Earth's surface by energy from the sun.

What is BIOMASS?

Biomass is biological material derived from living, or recently living organisms. In the context of biomass for energy this is often used to mean plant based material, but biomass can equally apply to both animal and vegetable derived material.

Renewable organic materials, such as wood, agricultural crops or wastes, and municipal wastes, especially when used as a source of fuel or energy. Biomass can be burned directly or processed into biofuels such as ethanol and methane.

Ethanol Refinery


Tick if you can do, can not do, or can do more or less , these things:





I can understand the meaning of the word energy

I can recognize the different sources of energy

I can understand when I listen information about sources of energy

I can describe a source of energy using easy expressions

I can describe a source of energy using more complex


I can spell vocabulary words about source of energy

I can find information on a specific topic on the Internet

I can write about the advantages and disadvantages of the main sources of energy

I can explain what I think about the use of the different

sources of energy

I can make posters summarizing information

I can know different forms of saving energy

Un saludo María José Moreno Figueroa

3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Buenas noches Mª José,

    He elegido tu unidad al azar como parte del último punto de la evaluación.

    Nada sólo comentarte por supuesto constructivamente la importancia de la estética en la edición y publicación de recursos para favorecer su utilización. En este sentido, me cuesta trabajo poder seguir toda la información por la inadecuación estética del texto, dados los colores, las limitaciones espaciales, las tablas...que quizá no se relacionan con el formato del blog.

    Por otra parte echo de menos la temporalización de la unidad, pues no aparecen las sesiones.

    Quitando este aspecto, me parece muy interesante sobre todo el trabajo que desarrollas a través de herramientas interactivas, puesto que veo que utilizas una gran cantidad de recursos y eso siempre es un elemento motivador y relevante, sobre todo para mejorar la atención de los alumnos. Más si cabe en un tema tan importante como es el de las Energías renovables.

    Nada, buen trabajo compi!

    Un saludo.

  3. Grandísimo trabajo. Me ha encantado y he aprendido mucho viéndola. Mis felicitaciones.
