domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015

Jobs in our community

Unidad: Jobs in our community


La unidad se llama Jobs in our community

Área: Ciencias Sociales

Curso: 2º E.P.

Como objetivos de la unidad me planteo:

  • To recognise places in town
  • To identify different jobs
  • To identify differences between town and country
  • To learn actions related to different places in town.
  • To be aware of social differences

Las actividades planteadas serán:


1st Activity:  Flashcards (Using a power point presentation I will introduce the vocabulary used in the unit, firstly showing the pictures with their pronunciation then the written form)

2nd Activity: In order to link the vocabulary with the content of the subject, they need to practice the vocabulary, so this activity is created to get it.

3rd Activity:  The vocabulary is connected to the action of the jobs presented, through this activity.

4th Activity: Now, it is time to read an adapted text in which different jobs are presented related to the family members, they are familiar with.

5th Activity: Listening time. In this activity my pupils will listen a video, which provides them visual support. The English used in the video is from an American speaker, but the language used is adapted for English language learners. Pupils will listen for specific information in the both activities proposed. Obviously they will read what they have to do before listening to the video.

6th Activity: Classify words. In this activity I want my pupils to work through scaffolding (andamiaje), since they have to complete a chart by classifying the vocabulary presented in the activity.

7th Activity: Another activity to work the scaffolding (andamiaje) is designed to work in the computer, by surfing the web proposed the have to classify where people work.

8th Activity: Match with the picture. This activity is created to practice the receptive skill of reading, the vocabulary  and structures used.


9th Activity: Interactive activity created using the web educaplay.

10th Activity: In this final activity, my pupils have to write about their themselves, what they want to be. The first part of the activity is reading a text, which will be the model they have to follow in their writing activity. A simplified model is included in which they only have to complete the blanks with their own information.
Juan Luis López García-Plata

2 comentarios:

  1. Muy buen trabajo. Me gusta sobre todo la variedad de las actividades, y la estudiada secuenciación, que es adecuada. Enhorabuena.

  2. Hola Juan Luis, me ha gustado y llamado la atención la forma en la que tienes planificada y secuenciada tu unidad didáctica. Pienso que para trabajar con alumnos en L2 es necesario tener muy claro el qué y el cómo y creo que tu lo reflejas claramente. También decirte que esta unidad puede dar mucho juego por la edad y la etapa en la que se encuentran los alumnos. Un saludo y gracias por compartirla.
