jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015


La presente U.D. "THE BODY"  es una unidad del área de Educación Física relacionada con el cuerpo humano  y con las nociones espaciales y temporales. Está diseñada para el segundo ciclo en su segundo nivel (2º de Primaria). Se utilizará el Inglés como L2. 

  A continuación se detalla la misma:

1. Learning outcomes

1. He/She learns about and identifies different body parts of his/her own body or of others. 

  2. He/She distinguishes and identifies body movements.

  3  He/She learns about the spatial notions "inside" and "outside".

  4. He/She learns about the spatial notions "up" and "down", "in front of" and "behind".

  5. He/She learns about the spatial notions "near" and "far". 

  6.He/She identifies different human movements. 

  7.  He/She identifies time notions "fast" and "slow" related to his/her own movements. 

  8. He/She identifies his/her own image and its expression and communication possibilities.

  9.He/She acquires concepts of hygiene or personal health and applies them

2. Subject Content

Body parts.

The senses.

Spatial concepts: «inside» y «outside».

Spatial concepts: «up», «down», «in front of» y «behind».

Spatial concepts: «near» y «far».

Body parts and their movement: jumps, throws and receptions.

Temporary concepts: «fast» and «slow».

Expressivity of facial gestures.

Hygiene norms and habits for good health.

3. Language Content / Communication


Boca      Mouth; Brazo    Arm; Cabeza Hea; Cara Face; Codo Elbow; Corazón Heart; Dedos Fingers; Diente Tooth; Dientes Teeth; Espalda  Back      ; Labios Lips; Mano Hand; Nariz Nose ;Ojos        Eyes; Orejas      Ears; Pie Foot    ; Pierna Leg; Pies Feet; Rodilla Knee; Uñas  Nails; Huesos Bones ;Inside, outside, up, douwn, near,far,fast, slow, Soap, towel, cologne, comb.



 1.           Use present simple.

2.            Use presen continuous

3.            Simple Instruction.

Discourse type:                Expositión, description, dialogue

Language skills :             Listening, speaking and writing.

4.Contextual :

                Our teaching method is contextualized in the center of the province of Badajoz, in a rural setting. The socio-cultural level is medium-low. This UD is intended for a course in Primary.

5. Cognitive (thinking) processes

                This UD students / as know the diferent part of the body; as know the  spatial concepts and know Hygiene norms and habits for good health.

6.  Activities     

Sesion1: Recognize the different parts of his body and that of others. (act 1)

 Warm up, "warplanes , play shoes , fairies and giants, enchanted snakes, fox tail, Wc"

Session 2: Represent parts of the body. (act 2)

Warm up, video 1 , "Tread tails " couples silhouettes draw with chalk , relay races, landing, Wc"

Session 3: Spatial concepts. (act3)

Warm up, Panther game , Jaime said ... the king of silence, relaxation music , WC.

Session 4: Motion and rest. (act 4)

Warm up , mouse tail , games with ropes, hoops games , mirror, monkey imitation , toilet. (

Session 5: Joint mobility.

Warm up, touching  trainers, the journey of the ball, hens and chickens , games with balloons, musical relaxation and toilet

Session 6: Image and perception.

Warm up , red -green , face to face, the twins, pairs games , the guardian of the museum, collect material and WC. (act 3)




7. Methodology

Organization and class distribution / timing

The UD, they wont spread will last 6 sessions (45m).  I will carry out a varied and flexible methodology, focusing primarily on the games at these ages, forming the foundation for further learning in later courses.

We will use different groups: individuals, couples, small groups and large groups.

The techniques we use are direct operated, guided discovery, tasking and problem solving.

Resources/ Materials

Hoops, handkerchiefs, strings, C.D, chalks.

(act. 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-l8PlOjB4Q

(act 3) http://www.mundonets.com/images/partes-del-cuerpo-en-ingles.jpg

(act 3) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi-9sXAvEwLtYCvti33V2XF6BGArdziz8npi-0LTcUAzrIzrGjmxCuGIC8v9ZIL00IRid3zM1UMWPv62aVLHuKF8-_3pMYuYRFb3KK7zukEVBFzJoNccD0cUfb0phAPUULtbzTGpswSEQk/s1600/cuerpo+humano+para+completar+y+colorear.JPG

(act5) http://learningapps.org/display?v=pkn123ic201

(act6) http://learningapps.org/display?v=puf1z7e5n01

      -     https://youtu.be/n-l8PlOjB4Q

      -     https://youtu.be/l8D-amnFPW0

      -     http://learningapps.org/display?v=pkn123ic201

      -     http://learningapps.org/display?v=puf1z7e5n01

      -     http://www.imagenesrf.com/imagenes07/partes-del-cuerpo-humano-para-colorear-e-imprimir-3.JPG

      - http://www.guarderiasalamanca.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/partes-cuerpo-humano.jpg


Key Competences          

Linguistic competency

-  Correct use of terminology related to topological knowledge of the body.

-  Analysing the information on the sheet about physical activities.

-  Oral description of movements.



Mathematical competency and basic competencies in Science and Technology

-  All the contents and activities related to the spatial concepts "inside", "outside", "up", "down", "in front of","behind", "near" and "far".

Digital competencies

-  Doing interactive activities related to the unit.

Learning to learn

-  Applying acquired knowledge about facial gestures and practising in different emotional situations.

Social and Civic competencies

-  Respecting and accepting the rules of the games. 

-  Accepting one´s image of his/her body.

-  Appreciating cooperation in the organisation and the development of physical activities.

Initiative and entrepreneurship

-  Developing willingness to exchange opinion in activities and games; accepting and preparing rules when living together.

-  Willingness to face tasks and problems responsibly, showing initiative and creativity.

Cultural awareness and expression

-  Appreciating games as part of our cultural heritage.


8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)             

- Review of UD.

- Worksheet.

- Attitude: Effort, behavior…


                                     Mario Martínez Díaz          Especialista en E.F.


4 comentarios:

  1. Me gusta mucho tu unidad. Bien estructurada, planificada y con enlaces muy interesantes. Un saludo

  2. Unidad atractiva para ese nivel, con gran batería de actividades y bien estructurada. Felicidades y saludos.

  3. Enhorabuena, está muy bien organizada y muy completa

  4. Muy interesante la unidad, me ha gustado especialmente la concreción de las competencias básicas.
