sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015

UNIT: "Knowing basic physical abilities"

Subject: Physical Education                                    


Unit: "Knowing basic physical abilities"     


Course / Level: 1º ESO      


1. Learning outcomes

 / Evaluation criteria

Learning outcomes:

   -To identify basic physical abilities

   -To work harmoniously of BPA taking into account the sensitive development phases of students.


Evaluation criteria:

   -To recognize basic physical abilities in the development of different activities.

   - To develop physical abilities according to personal possibilities and into the range of health, showing an attitude of autodemand in its effort.

2. Subject Content

Physical fitness, fitness and health.

Identification of basic physical abilities.

Harmonious process of BPA taking into account the sensitive development phases of pupils.


3. Language Content / Communication



-Fitness and health. Basic physical abilities (resistance, strengh, mobility and speed).

- Systems of the human body (circulatory, respiratory, …)

- Verbs: run,  jump, push,  throw, lift up, move, stretch, roll, turn, climb, go up/down).

-Numbering system

-Sport equipment (mats, ropes, medicine balls, wooden benches, wall bars,…).

-Adjetives: good, great, excelent, …

-Prepositions: above, below, inside, outside…



-Routines: Have you ever been/done/practice/seen…? Which was the last…? 

-Grammatical contents: verbs, adjetives, present, descriptors, etc.

-Classroom: wait in line, work together in pairs/groups,make a circle, ... 

Discourse type

Exposition, descriptión, dialogue,…


Language skills

Writing, reading, speaking, listening and social interaction.

4. Contextual (cultural) element

It is based on the need of that the pupil knows his own body, how it works and to favor ways of healthy life.

5. Cognitive (thinking) processes

Deal, relate, analyze, describe, value, listen, verbalize and explain.

6. (a) Task(s)

Across a playful activity in texts and online, pupils can recognize and differentiate the components of the organism and physical basic abilities.

6. (b) Activities

- Complete texts

- See videos and describe actions

- Relate contents

- Go surf and select information

-Value the condition of physical condition


7. Methodology

Organization and class distribution / timing


Methodology and organization: active and participative Methodology based on the holding discovery and assignment of tasks. They can work individual, in pairs and small groups according to the activity.



   Lesson 1. Presentation of the topic and basic vocabulary

   Lesson 2. Systems of the organism

   Lesson 3. Warm up I

   Lesson 4. Warm up II

   Lesson 5. Physical basic abilities I

   Lesson 6. Physical basic abilities II

   Lesson 7. Evaluation

Resources / Materials


The resources will be use:



Key Competences

Linguistic communication competencies. Mathematical  and basic competencies in science and technology. To learn to learn. Social and civic competencies. Sense of the initiative and entrepreneurship.  

8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)

Evaluation criteria:

- To know the principal systems of the organism related to the physical activity.

- To elaborate a general warming

- To recognize and to improve the physical basic abilities.




- Resgistration acts of information

- Check of exercises and practices

- Report of taks

- Scale of valuation

- Cards of follow-up and evaluation

Click here to see unit

Autor: Mª Mercedes Álvarez López

Consejería de Educación y Empleo
Junta de Extremadura

1 comentario:

  1. Hola.
    En primer lugar comentar que la confusión terminológica sigue siendo un problema en el área de Educación física, dado que eso dificulta el trabajo científico.Es aún habitual encontrar términos como habilidad o cualidad en vez de capacidad para designar a las CAPACIDADES físicas básicas. Sería conveniente que cada vez más profesores de EF utilizásemos correctamente estos conceptos.
    Por otro lado, desde mi punto de vista, yo trabajaría esta UD en el segundo ciclo de la ESO, tal y como la planteas. Y en el 1ºciclo trabajaría las Capacidades Físicas Básicas con juegos.
    Otra cuestión en relación con la UD es que cuando temporalizas presentas 2 sesiones en las que solo aparecen contenidos teóricos. Nuestra materia es eminentemente práctica y aunque los contenidos teóricos son necesarios, siempre tendría que haber un tiempo en la sesión para la actividad física.
