Subject: Science
Title of the Unit: BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPES Course / Level: 3rd grade Primary
In this unit, pupils enjoy a great trip around the world in order to distinguish natural and man-made features in landscapes.
They will travel from inland to the coast and visit the most important landforms. At the end, they will be able to describe using their own words all the inland and coastal landforms. They will realise a power point with pictures or videos and show it to their classmates and teacher.
1. Learning outcomes / Evaluation criteria
- To distinguish natural and man-made features in landscapes.
- To define and distinguish coastal and inland landscapes.
- To define and recognise the most important landforms.
2. Subject Content
- Human features in landscapes: road, villaje, dam, bridge…
- Natural features: plants, animals, wáter and landforms.
- Coastal landforms: sea, ocean, island, cape, bay, cove, gulf, peninsula, isthmus, beach, cliff, archipelago
- Inland landforms: mountain, summit, slope, foot, range, hill, plain, valley, plateau, moor, river.
3. Language Content / Communication
Nouns: road, village, animals, plants, coast, inland, land, water, sea, ocean, lake, body, piece, landscape, landform, mountain, summit, slope, foot, range, hill, plain, valley, plateau, moor. river, island, cape, bay, cove, gulf, peninsula, isthmus, beach, cliff, archipelago,
Adjectives: high, low, middle, flat, large, deep, rocky, wide, narrow, surrounding, human, natural.
Verbs: to be, meet, bite, surround, extend, want, run, swim…
Prepositions: into, between, in, with, at, of, near, far…
What is a …? It is …
Where is …?
Listening, reading, speaking and writing.
4. Contextual (cultural) element
To know the most important landforms to enjoy the natural landscapes.
5. Cognitive (thinking) processes
Understand, analyse, apply, evaluate and create.
6. Final task
To make a power point presentation with pictures or videos including all the inland and coastal landforms.
7. Activities
- To practise new vocabulary using the introducing web.
- To distinguish natural and man-made features in landscapes
Some large picture representing different landscapes can be used in order to make pupils speak about the features they can see.
- To distinguish inland and coastal landscapes
- Listening to the song "I want to go to the coast" and sing.
- Watching the different landforms
- Watching the video lesson and answering question about it
- To hang the diagrams in the classroom:
- Landforms review
- Pupils elaborate their own flashcards about landforms
- Worksheet
- Tests
- Pupils elaborate their own power point about landforms
- Visiting webs:
- Pupils go on working with their power point.
- Pupils show and explain their own power point.
8. Organization and class distribution / timing
The methodology will be active and participatory; in addition, it must facilitate both individual and group learning. Final task will be elaborated by pairs or small group (3 pupils). Unit will be develope through 7 sessions.
9. Key compentences
Specific basic competencies that will be practiced: linguistic, mathematical, social, digital, cultural, learn to learn, autonomy, etc.
10.Evaluation (criteria and instruments)
Evaluation criteria:
- To distinguish between natural and man-made features in landscapes.
- To distinguish between coastal and inland landscapes.
- To define the different inland and coastal landforms.
- To know what fertilisation and the different embryonic developments are, in animals
Evaluation instruments:
- Continuous assessment of each student with different oral and written test.
- Worksheet and tests
- Final task (ppt presentation).
Ángel Manuel Correa Cabezas
Mi más sincera enhorabuena por tu unidad. Me ha parecido muy sugerente el título, ya que es una ventana abierta que te invita a viajar, imaginar y fomentar la motivación de los alumnos.
ResponderEliminarPienso que está muy bien estructurada y con todo tipo de enlaces como soporte para que adquieran de forma amena, fácil y sencilla las cuatro destrezas cognitivas (listening, speaking, reading and writing).
Voy a intentar usarla con mis alumnos y me acordaré de ti y pensaré que de algo ha servido el trabajo, el tiempo y el esfuerzo que compañeros como tú, han sabido aprovechar para mejorar la adquisición de esta lengua extranjera.
Un cordial saludo,
Sonia Clavero
Felicidades por tu proyecto.
ResponderEliminarComo señala la metodología AICLE, ofreces una gran variedad de recursos para trabajar las distintas destrezas lingüísticas y actividades para proporcionar el andamiaje necesario en la construcción del aprendizaje por parte del alumno.
Un saludo