sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2015

Unidad AICLE "Human Psychology"


Esta Unidad de Trabajo denominada "Human Psychology" está destinada al alumnado de 1º del Ciclo Formativo de Grado Medio de Técnico en Atención a Personas en Situación de Dependencia  dentro del módulo profesional Características y Necesidades de las Personas en Situación de Dependencia. Corresponde a la primera Unidad del curso en la que se rabajan aspectos básicos relacionados con la psicología y que sentarán las bases de los restantes contenidos teóricos que se abordad a lo largo del curso en dicho módulo.

La unidad que nos ocupa tiene un total de 13 sesiones en las que se abordarán dos actividades por sesión, con una duración total de una hora. Las actividades se sustentarán en aspectos tales como el andamiaje para que los alumnos vayan adquiriendo los nuevo en base a los anteriores, relativos a los contenidos curriculares y a la L2.

Las actividades se llevarán a cabo tanto grupal como en gran grupo e individualmente y de tal manera se trabajarán los contenidos y estándares de aprendizaje correspondientes, sin dejar de lado las competencias clave y el fomento y uso de las TICs, como por ejemplo la relativa a los códigos Qr que fomentan la interacción grupal del alumnado y las competencias comunicativas orales.

La evaluación se realizará desde una doble perspectiva, por un lado de la actuación docente y por otro la referente al alumnado, el cual será un agente activo ya que también realizará su propia autoevaluación.

En el siguiente enlace podéis encontrar la Unidad completa "Human Psychology"  con las actividades en el siguiente enlace:


Igualmente la podéis encontrar en mi blog http://glominolaeclectica.blogspot.com.es/

Seguidamente se muestra dicha Unidad AICLE.



CLIL didactic unit


Subject: Características y Necesidades de las Personas en Situación de Dependencia

Teacher: Gloria R. de la Calle Nieto


Title of the Unit :    UT.1. Human psychology                                                                   

Course / Level: 1º C.F.G.M T.A.P.S.D                    



1. Learningoutcomes

 / Evaluationcriteria

1.To characterize the concept of personal autonomy, analyzing the factors involved in both prevention and promotion and deterioration

2. To classify levels and required aid dependency associated with aging, analyzing the changes and damage caused by it.



1. Has he/she described the basic processes associated to the promotion of personal autonomy and independent living.

2. Has he/she characterized the skills of personal autonomy.

3. Has he/she identified the factors that promote or inhibit the maintenance of personal autonomy and independent living.

4. h Has he/she ave described the main emotional and behavioral changes associated with the loss of personal autonomy.

5. Has he/she identified the general indicators of the loss of autonomy.

6. Has he/she justified the need to respect the choice of the person in a situation of dependency.

2. Subject Content

·         What is the psychology?

·         Psychology Objectives

·         Where it is currently psychology?

·         The Life Cycle

·         Death

·         The crisis in the life cycle

·         Cognitive processes

·         Sensation and perception

·         The attention

·         The memory

·         The thought and language

·         The intelligence

·         Emotional and behavioral processes

·         What is an emotion?

·         Classification of emotions

·         Emotional and behavioral phenomena

·         Human needs from a holistic perspective

·         Needs concept

·         Needs  Classification


3. Language Content / Communication



·         Nouns: psychology, psychological theories, mental structures, mental processes, needs, emotions, perception

·         Attention, memory, language, intelligence, behavior, behavioral techniques, phases of life

·         Verbs:grow, learn, think, believe,  analyze, describe, observe

·         Conectors: and, so, also,

·         Adverbs: perhaps, usually, never, always…

·         Prepositions: through, from, to



1.       present simple and continuous

·         The human behaviour is…

·         Human neers are changing…

2.       past simple and continuous

·         In the pass human need were the same that nowadays…

·         The form to satisfy it were changing…

3.       conditional

·         If the first step in the pyramid of Maslow isn´t cover we wont satisfy the next step

4.       simple and continuous future

·         Children when are about 6 year old will

5.       passive

·         Diferent theories about psychology are made by…



·         Reading

·         Writting

·         Discuss

·         Watching videos, documentaies and films


Reading, writing, listening, speaking

4. Contextual (cultural) element

Human psychology is so important to know how we can act in diferents situations, in different ages and how people who have any disses can bie understood

5. Cognitive (thinking) processes

·         Understand, analyse, distinguish, apply, evaluate and create.

·          Understand what the psychology is, their objetives and where is it currently.

·         Undersatnad the life cycle, the different crisis and  the death

·         Analyse the cognitive processes: sensation and perception.The attention and the memory

·         Understand the thought and language

·         Analyze the intelligence, emotional and behavioral processes

·         Discover what  an emotion is and their classification

·         Describe emotional and behavioral phenomena

·         Understand human needs from a holistic perspective and how are clasificated

6. (a) Task(s)

  • Debate
  • Exposición grupal
  • Discursión
  • Rol playing
  • Brainstorming

6. (b) Activities

·         Analyze the motivotional image

·         Vocabulary

·         Crossword

·         match this words whit their definitions

·         Listen to the text

·         Find the main idea of the text and summarize it in one sentence

·         Read the question about the text.

·         Let´s listen again and correct the text

·          Reanswer the question

·         Can you summarize on your own the main ideas about the text

·         Reading

·         Analyzing images

·         Discuss in group

·         Rol playing in small groups:

·         What does mean the following picture?

·         Make a mural whit the different Gestalt principles

·         Watch the video and answer the questions

·         Discussion. Work in pairs

·         Simulation: in small group choose one of the age and simule the most characteristic things that happen on it

·         Information Gap: work in pairs.

·         Each student should choose one of the age and describe the most important characteristic, but putting some mistakes which the partner should discover

·         Board game

·         Oral interaction

·         Writing

·         Final proyect

·         Summary

·         Self evaluation

7. Methodology

·         Active and participative methodology.

·         Alternative conceptions.

·         Scaffolding.

·         Autonomy.

·         13 sessions.

Organization and classdistribution / timing


·         Individual (problems, quiz) and small groups (quiz, experiences).

Resources / Materials


Textbook, classic board, digital board, Internet, Prezi presentations, videos, simulations and animations.


Key Competences

Communication in the mother tongue and Communication in foreign languages: Acquisition of this competence involves a command of oral and written language in a variety of contexts, and a functional use of at least one foreign language (L1 and L2) Digital competence: search, select, process and present information using internet.

Learning to learn: self-assessment and to learn from mistakes. Interpersonal, intercultural and social competences and civic competence: understand the psychology and their problems

8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)

1. Has he/she described the basic processes associated to the promotion of personal autonomy and independent living.

2. Has he/she characterized the skills of personal autonomy.

3. Has he/she identified the factors that promote or inhibit the maintenance of personal autonomy and independent living.

4. Has he/she ave described the main emotional and behavioral changes associated with the loss of personal autonomy.

5. Has he/she identified the general indicators of the loss of autonomy.

6. Has he/she justified the need to respect the choice of the person in a situation of dependency.


·         Observation and continuous assessment of each student.

·         Review of the activities of the pupils (Worksheet and tests)  Problem solving on the blackboard by the pupilsü

·         Self-assessment.

·         Final pyoyect

·         Selt evaluation



Autora: Gloria R. de la Calle Nieto

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