sábado, 6 de mayo de 2017

Unidad AICLE "Electricity"

Unidad A.I.C.L.E. "Electricity"

Física y Química. 3° E.S.O.
12 Sesiones.


·   Conocer las interacciones entre cargas eléctricas según su signo.
·   Representar las fuerzas eléctricas y calcular su valor.
·   Interpretar el concepto de campo eléctrico, representar campos eléctricos de cargas puntuales y determinar su intensidad.
·   Diferencia de potencial.
·   Comprender en qué consiste una corriente eléctrica y cómo se genera. Ley de Ohm. Realizar circuitos eléctricos sencillos.

    To understand materials, one must first understand electricity, and to understand electricity, one must first understand materials. Coulomb's law and the principles of static electricity. Michael Faraday's vision of lines of constant force in space laid the foundation for the modern idea of the field of force. Electric fields of static charges. Making examples, picked up from daily life, where Coulomb's law and Ohm`s law influence are recognizable..

Aims about English language:

• Using specific terminology to read correctly maths formulas.
• Using specific terminology to speak about physics quantities, scalars and vectors.
• Using specific terminology and definitions of a physics phenomenon.

Spoken Fluency. Coherence. Precision. Vocabulary. Grammatical Accuracy. Phonological Control. 

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José Manuel Carbonero González. 2017
Unidad A.I.C.L.E. "Electricity"

Física y Química. 3° E.S.O.
12 Sesiones.


·   Conocer las interacciones entre cargas eléctricas según su signo.
·   Representar las fuerzas eléctricas y calcular su valor.
·   Interpretar el concepto de campo eléctrico, representar campos eléctricos de cargas puntuales y determinar su intensidad.
·   Diferencia de potencial.
·   Comprender en qué consiste una corriente eléctrica y cómo se genera. Ley de Ohm. Realizar circuitos eléctricos sencillos.

    To understand materials, one must first understand electricity, and to understand electricity, one must first understand materials. Coulomb's law and the principles of static electricity. Michael Faraday's vision of lines of constant force in space laid the foundation for the modern idea of the field of force. Electric fields of static charges. Making examples, picked up from daily life, where Coulomb's law and Ohm`s law influence are recognizable..

Aims about English language:

• Using specific terminology to read correctly maths formulas.
• Using specific terminology to speak about physics quantities, scalars and vectors.
• Using specific terminology and definitions of a physics phenomenon.

Spoken Fluency. Coherence. Precision. Vocabulary. Grammatical Accuracy. Phonological Control. Orthographic Control.

José Manuel Carbonero González. 2017

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