La Unidad didáctica "Come on, move your body!" va dirigida a alumnos del tercer curso de Educación Primaria. Esta unidad forma parte de la asignatura Physical Education.
Con ella pretendemos que los alumnos tengan un mayor conocimiento de las nociones espaciales y ser capaces de orientarse en el espacio.
Para ello trataremos que los alumnos consigan los siguientes objetivos:
• To know and to differentiate spaces notions: in, out, up, down…
• To participate in the activities
• To be able to orient in the space
En cuanto a los contenidos, se van a trabajar los siguientes:
- Spatial notions: in, out, up, down,…
- Tolerance and respect towards the other students
- Spatial orientation
Por otra parte para conseguir la adquisición tanto de lo objetivos como de los contenidos, se van a llevar a cabo una serie de actividades, como: fichas, juegos interactivos y otros motrices propios del área … las cuales nos ayudarán además a adquirir nuevo vocabulario y desarrollar las diferentes destrezas lingüísticas de listening, reading, speaking and writing, así como contribuir a la adquisición de diferentes competencias clave:
o Linguistic communication competence: By reading texts and when they speak.
o Mathematical competence: by calculating distances
o Social and civic competence: through interaction with other students
o Digital competence: by activities in the computer
o Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship competence
Como andamiaje usaremos distintas estrategias:
§ Palabras guías para completar textos y tablas.
§ Dibujos para seleccionar la respuesta correcta.
§ Juegos para unir columnas.
§ Carteles en clase para ayudar a su expresión en inglés.
§ Refuerzo positivo y ánimo constante del alumnado.
Desarrollo de las sesiones
Esta unidad llevará a cabo en 4 sesiones de 60 minutos cada una.
Materials: cones, hoops, bench, ropes, pads workbook, pen
Scaffolding: We will use the images posted on the wall. Then, they will learn by trial and error. Students will discover the best way to carry on the activities. I`ll ask the best way to perform the activity. They will must answer in English.
Learning outcomes:
- To differentiate spatial notion.
- To explore space.
Meeting times:
- I explain what topics we will work and solve the pupil`s doubts. Brainingstorm: I will ask to the pupils what they know about the lesson. They will talk to me about the new vocabulary. They will give me ideas to solve previous doubts.
- "We move". The students walk in space by moving different body parts and warm their bodies.
Motor activity time:
- "Home to crocodiles". A pupil is a crocodile. He/she is on the river and has to catch students when they go forth from space.
- "Circuit". We use different materials. Children will need to focus on the parts of the body they used. They will practice different spatial notions.
Time to cool down:
- "Giant snail". In groups with a mat. They move the mattress from one place to another. They go underneath the mat.
- We will sit on a circle and we will review doubts and we talk about new knowledge.
- We will go to the cloackroom and we will wash our hands, face….
- We go to the class.Session:
Materials: workbook, pen, balls, scarves.
Scaffolding: We will use the images posted on the wall. Then, they will learn by trial and error. Students will discover the best way to carry on the activities. I`ll ask the best way to perform the activity. They will must answer in English.
Learning outcomes:
- To work spatial notion.
- To be aware of the distances.
Meeting times:
- I explain what topics we will work and solve the pupil`s doubts. Brainingstorm: I will ask to the pupils what they know about the lesson. They will talk to me about the new vocabulary. They will give me ideas to solve previous doubts.
- "The statue": In group. Three pupils are the persecutors and the rest will run away from them. If one of persecutors can catch one of pupils, he/she will move like giant or dwarf. (Only will can be two giant and two dwarf).
Motor activity time:
- Remove the tail: All the class will put a scarves on their back (They will place the scarves like a tail). All group try to remove the tail to the other classmate.
- "Blood". In group. One of pupils throws the ball in the air and he/she will say the name of one of classmate. The student named will run to catch the ball and he/she have to said "blood" while the other classmate run away. When he/she say blood the rest of classmate will stop like a statue. The pupils with the ball will shot the ball and he/she will try to hit a classmate with the ball.
- Collect materials.
Time to cool down:
- Fight of dwarf: In pairs. They will standing squats facing each other. With the back straight they try to push the other classmate.
- We will sit on a circle and we will review doubts and we talk about new knowledge.
- We will go to the cloackroom and we will wash our hands, face….
- We go to the class.
Materials: workbook, pen, scarves, hoops.
Scaffolding: We will use the images posted on the wall. Then, they will learn by trial and error. Students will discover the best way to carry on the activities. I`ll ask the best way to perform the activity. They will must answer in English.
Learning outcomes:
- To discover and explore space.
- To work the spatial notions.
Meeting times:
- I explain what topics we will work and solve the pupil`s doubts. Brainingstorm: I will ask to the pupils what they know about the lesson. They will talk to me about the new vocabulary. They will give me ideas to solve previous doubts.
- "Spiders". Two children make spiders and have to catch the other classmates. The child who is caught becomes spider.
Motor activity time:
- "Billy fastest": In pairs. They place back to back. At the sound one of the try to catch the other before the first arrive to the line.
- "Storm". Waves up = right; Waves below = left; Storm = run to another hoop. Students will have to move through the hoops according to teacher prompts.
Time to cool down:
- "Train the blind". The blind train: On group of 4 or 5. All in the group cover their eyes except the first of the row. The first drive the train and the rest follow him/her.
- Collect materials.
- We will sit on a circle and we will review doubts and we talk about new knowledge.
- We will go to the cloackroom and we will wash our hands, face….
- We go to the class.
Materials: workbook, pen, balls.
Scaffolding: We will use the images posted on the wall. Then, they will learn by trial and error. Students will discover the best way to carry on the activities. I`ll ask the best way to perform the activity. They will must answer in English.
Learning outcomes:
- To work spatial notion.
- We´re going to make a treasure map in small groups for searching it.
In the first class, we will give the students a chart containing the vocabulary they must learn. We will practice and answer any questions they may have. In the following classes we will practice the vocabulary. We will post the list in a visible location for students to help its when we are working instead.
Noun | Espacio | Space | Verb | Saltar | Jump |
Noun | Orientación | Orientarion | Verb | Participar | Participate |
Noun | Noción | Notion | Verb | Respetar | Respect |
Adjective | Despacio | Slowly | Verb | Correr | Run |
Adjective | Rápido | Fast | Preposition | A | To |
Adjective | Espacial | Spatial | Preposition | Hasta | Until |
Noun | Izquierda | Left | Preposition | Desde | From |
Noun | Derecha | Rigth | Adverb | Arriba | Up |
Adverb | Delante | Before | Adverb | Abajo | Down |
Adverb | Detrás | Back | Preposition | En | In |
Noun | Patio | Schoolyard | Preposition | Fuera | Out |
Noun | Pabellón | Pavilion | Noun | Balones | Balls |
Noun | Aros | Hoops | Noun | Bolis | Pens |
Noun | Papel | Paper | Noun | Ordenador | Computer |
Noun | Picas | Spades | Noun | Conos | Cones |
Noun | Pañuelos | Scarves | Noun |
Verbs in present simple: to be, to run, to jump….
Relative pronouns: where, who, how…
Indications: to, towards, from, for…
I will do some computer activities online. These activities will work vocabulary. We will work with the following webs.
This activity (J-Clic) will be the beginning of the unit; we will know what students know about these contents.
Other activities of the web that I could use for my training or as additional tasks for students:
I will watch some videos in order to get some ideas that I could perform during the lesson. I`ll show some videos to my pupils in one of the sessions.
I will play music, and pupils will have to follow the rhythm. With these activities the students will be able to know their body and their performance abilities better. I will play some music on the computer; some music will be record on my computer, but I will also use other applications, such as:
We will put on the wall pictures that help students when we are working.
Forward and back
Educaplay´s activities: (by Gloria Valiente).
The control list is an instrument of evaluation. We may point your progress in content.
Student`s name: ____________________ Course: 3º
| Failed | In Process | Got |
Participate in the activities |
Respect classmates |
Tolerate classmates |
Know spatial notions |
Diferenciate spatial notions |
To be able to orient in the space |
Use correct vocabulary |
The pupils evaluate the teacher to let them participate in the process of teaching and learning.
Student`s name: ____________________ Course: 4º
| YES | NO |
Did the teacher help you learn new things? |
Did he/she solve your doubts? |
Are news knowledge interesting to you? |
Did the teacher explain the tasks well? |
Did you like the season? |
Did your teacher control de class? |
Do you think that the marks are correct? |
The book will help the students do the activities that we propose for the sessions
Name: Course: | Unit Didactic: "Spatial perception" Nº: Date: Activities: 1. The students write the usual route that they take to go to their house, to the school, note that they use their hands to eat, play and write.
In this table we go pointing the doubts of the students to explain them the next day.
Aquí os dejo la plantilla de la programación:
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