En esta unidad se estudia la reacción química, sus características y sus tipos con ejemplos ilustrativos. Se representa la reacción química con ecuaciones químicas y se aprende a ajustarlas para cumplir las leyes de las reacciones. Se experimenta en el laboratorio con reacciones químicas.
1. Distinguir entre procesos físicos y procesos químicos.
2. Conocer las características de las reacciones químicas: sustancias que intervienen, energía intercambiada, velocidad del proceso y leyes que cumplen.
3. Representar las reacciones químicas y ajustar las ecuaciones químicas.
4. Realizar cálculos de cantidades que se consumen de reactivos y de productos que se forman en masa y en volumen.
5. Clasificar las reacciones químicas según la forma de reorganizarse los átomos.
6. Conocer las reacciones químicas más importantes para la vida y el medio ambiente.
7. Asociar el éxito científico al esfuerzo, a la investigación y a la capacidad de aprender de los errores.
8. Despertar el interés por la ciencia, la investigación y la curiosidad por comprender la materia.
9. Trabajar en el laboratorio, manipular reactivos y material con seguridad.
Antoine and Marie-Anne Lavoisier
Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisie (also Antoine Lavoisier), the "father of modern chemistry" was a
French nobleman prominent in the history of ___________ and ____________.
In 1783, the excellent chemist presented an _______________ to the French Academy of Sciences that surprised the scientific world. Lavoisier showed how he had been able to ____________water into two gases. He then recombined the two gases and ignited them with a spark. The result was the formation of water. _______________ the two gases, which he named hydrogen and oxygen, he had shown that water is not an element, something
____________ at the time.
This was not the first time these chemical reactions had been studied. However, Lavoisier was the first person to _____________explain what was happening during the ____________. His idea became the most important concept in chemistry since Dalton's suggestion that
__________ was made of atoms. The idea was that all chemical reactions occur in such a way that the total ________ of the substances involved never changes.
Lavoisier was helped by his _______ Marie- Anne who studied chemistry, along with English and Art. She became Lavoisier's assistant and ____________. Antoine did not speak English, only French, and Marie translated many of his writings into English. Also, they worked together in their ______________.
Antoine and Marie- Anne laboured together for 20 years to gather data that showed that "the total mass of the ____________is always equal to the total mass of the reactants in a chemical reaction
" (Law of _______________ of Mass).
1. How did the Lavoisiers demostrate that water is not an element?
2. In what ways were Marie-Anne and Antoine Lavoisier colleagues?
3.What other scientist is named in the text?
4.What was his contribution to science?
What is the difference?
Chemical reaction-chemical ecuation
Acid-baseFind the words from the list
Refer to the following chemical equation to answer the questions: 4Li + O2→ 2Li2O
1.Read the balanced chemical equation
2.What is the symbol that means "produces" in a chemical reaction?
3.How many atoms of lithium (Li) will combine exactly with two molecules of oxygen(O2)?
4.How many molecules of oxygen are required to produce ten lithium oxides?
Complete and balance the following neutralization reactions.
1.HCl + KOH →
2.HNO3+ Mg(OH)2→
3.HClO4+ Ca(OH)2 →
4.H3PO4+ CsOH →
5.H2CO3+ Al(OH)3→
Complete the crosspuzzle:
4.Atom or molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons.
7.The amount of substance containing 6,022.1023particles.
9.The name for the type of chemical reaction between an acid and a base.
10.Author of one of the theories of acids and bases.
11.The basic unit of the matter.
1.One kind of indicator.
2.He is best known for his pioneering work in the development of modern atomic theory.
3.The father of modern chemistry.
4.Chemicals that change colour depending on the pH of the solution they are placed in.
5.An electrically neutral group of two or more atoms.
6.Substances that are consumed in the course of a chemical reaction.
8.Compound that produces solutions with a pH of more of 7 when it is dissolved in water.
11.Substance that produces hydrogen ions when it is dissolved in water.
Practical activity
Investigating whether it will make reaction
What do we want to do?
See the interior of an egg without breaking the shell
What will we need?
Beakers, watch glass, a raw egg and white wine vinegar
How will we do it?
We will introduce the egg carefully into the beaker and we will pour vinegar to cover the egg and to close with a clock glass. Waiting a few days..... (it is advisable to change the vinegar several times throughout the days)
Explain all that you observe.
Do you think that there has been a chemical reaction? Why?
If your answer is yes, what substances have reacted?
Compare the egg with another fresh egg. What do you notice?
Buen trabajo, Cristina, pero, aunque yo no he impartido esta asignatura nunca, pregunto:
ResponderEliminar¿No sería posible realizar ejercicios prácticos en laboratorio de esta unidad? Sería un complemento estupendo para ella.