sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2016





Course/Level: 3º E.S.O.


The economy studies the activities made by individuals and society in general to obtain income and how to manage (to buy goods or services, to save or to invest)



1. Learning outcomes / Evaluation criteria


- To distinguish the different sectors of the economy.
- To identify factors of production
- To know the main economic agents
- To learn who are the economic subjects.


2. Subject Content


- Different activities included in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.
- Factors of production: capital, job and land
- Production, consumption and savings.
- Economic agents: Companies, families and government.


3. Language Content / Communication


Nouns: natural resources, agriculture, fishing, mining, forestry, industry, construction, chemistry, health, banks, restaurants, health, leisure, tourism ....
Incomes, taxes, worker, ...

Adjectives: finished, profitable, unprofitable, ...


Verbs: Manufacture, buy, sell, win, receive, ...




What is Economics?

Why should people work?


Grammar Content:

Verb tenses

Passive voice:  It is made by…

Comparatives: better than, as much...as,…


Classroom management (language for the classroom):

Describe: The primary / secondary / tertiary sector contains the following activities ....


Discourse type

To describe
Express conclusions.
To reason


Language Skills


Write 70 words about the economy in your country



In small groups, comment on the main production activities in Spain and their repercussions in the world



Read the text and emphasize words related to the Economy



Fill the gap in the text.


4. Contextual (cultural) elements

The Institute is located in a small town with a medium-low socio-cultural level.


5. Cognitive (thinking) processes

Define, describe, classify, interpret, identify, give examples, distinguish, conclude ...


Understand the three sectors of the economy.

Identify the main activities of the economy, and give examples



6a. Task/s

  • Carry out activities to build on the student's prior knowledge to foster their interest in the subject.
  • Identify different activities with the three sectors of the economy.
  • Listening and read a text.
  • Look for information on the Internet.
  • Explanation of contents and give an opinion on some videos
  • Development of activities.
  • Evaluate if the contents purchased.


    6b. Activities
  • How much do you know about Economics?
  • Listen and read the text, work in small groups
  • Search the Internet for information in pairs
  • Elaboration of a small video including images and specific vocabulary. The activity will be carried out by groups
  • Debate on the topic



7. Methodology

Organization and class distribution / timing

The methodology used in this unit will be active, based on the previous knowledge of the student and the contents will be significant. These designed activities are prepared to be worked on by my students individually as well as in small groups.

This unit is intended to be taken in about 6 or 7 lessons.



Resources / Materials


Economics magazines

The Internet and computers

Posters, pictures, ...

Digital board


Key Competences

Linguistic competence: Acquiring specific vocabulary
Mathematical competence: Numbers and percentages
Knowledge and interaction with the physical world:
Power Sources
Competence in the processing of the information and the digital competition: to look for information in Internet
Social and civic competence: Use of each type of energy
Cultural and artistic competence: Making videos
Learn to learn
Competence for autonomy and personal initiative: Give your opinion on different economic aspects


8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)

- Understand different economic concepts.
- Distinguish the sectors of the economy.
- Know the different economic activities.
- Know the main economic agents.
- Clearly state information (oral and written)
- Activities performed
- Exams
- Class participation


La Unidad está programada para 7 sesiones de 55 minutos cada una.



En la primera sesión realizaremos una lluvia de ideas, para ello se utilizará la actividad 1. De esta forma, podremos adentrarnos en los primeros conceptos económicos y siempre relacionando esos conceptos con secuencias reales. Hay que tener en cuenta, que la materia de Economía es una materia que no se cursa en años anteriores, por lo que prácticamente todos los conceptos serán nuevos para el alumnado. El objetivo principal de esta sesión, es captar el interés de los alumnos.


Por último, veremos la definición de Economía.


How much do you know about Economics?

Look at the pictures and comment on what you think with your classmates. Write a definition of Economics. To work in small groups.




En esta segunda sesión, repasaremos el concepto de Economía, así como su principal objetivo. Para ello utilizaremos la actividad 2, que de forma sencilla, se muestra un vídeo que enseñará a los alumnos en L2 conceptos básicos de Economía. Además se realizará un pequeño ejercicio interactivo.


Activity 2

See below for the next video with basic concepts of Economics. After listening and reading the text, work in pairs filling the gaps.





To purchase the entire program, or to see a full listing of our other educational programs, please visit Insight Media at http://www.insight-media.com


Filling the gap educaplay:





En la siguiente sesión, el profesor realizará una exposición de los distintos sectores de la Economía. Para afianzar contenidos, posteriormente se realizará la actividad 3, se trata de una webquest.



In this activity we are going to look for information on the Internet. The activity will be carried out in pairs.
The following questions should be answered:

What are the economic sectors? Put timing of each sector
What is an economic activity? Give examples of different economic activities
Who are the economic agents? Put examples



En esta sesión, los alumnos estudiarán los agentes económicos y su labor en la Economía. Una vez claro los conceptos, se procederá a explicar la actividad 4, la realización de corto por parte de los alumnos sobre los conceptos estudiados.

Activity 4

Elaboration of a short video, about 3 minutes long, with images and specific vocabulary about economic sectors and economic agents. The elaboration is free, you can conduct interviews, search for news, .... The activity will be carried out by groups


5ª y 6ª SESIÓN:

Se utilizará para la producción del corto, así como para plantear dudas por parte de los alumnos. Posteriormente se visualizará cada trabajo en clase comentando los distintos conceptos trabajados.


5ª y 6ª SESIÓN:

Para concluir el primer tema, se realizará un debate abierto, en la actividad 5 se proponen algunos temas, pero el ejercicio está abierto a otros temas interesantes. El objetivo es afianzar ideas y, además, que los alumnos puedan alcanzar una opinión crítica propia ante cualquier aspecto económico real que se les pueda plantear.


Activity 5

Debate on the topic:

What do you think a famous football player has a salary so high?
What do you think of the role of the State in trade?

2 comentarios:

  1. He realizado esta unidad, como una unidad introductoria a la Economía.

  2. Una unidad muy interesante y la hace bastante amena con el vídeo.
