martes, 15 de mayo de 2018

The Earth, a living planet


La justificación de la unidad "The Earth, a living planet" en el currículo se establece por conocer cuales son las funciones que desempeñan los organismos y que los definen como ser vivo.
Comenzaremos con el estudio de la célula, la unidad básica de la vida para después trascender a un nivel de complejidad superior, los organismos pluricelulares formados por tejidos, órganos, aparatos y sistemas.
En función del tipo de célula, del tipo de nutrición, complejidad estructural, etc. los seres vivos se clasifican en 5 reinos: Moneras, Protistas, Hongos, Plantas y Animales.
Todos estos contenidos se abordarán a lo largo de esta unidad.


Esta unidad está diseñada para llevarse a cabo con alumnos de 1º de ESO.


Se trabajará en un total de 6 sesiones de una hora, por lo que la duración de la unidad será aproximadamente de 2 semanas.


1. Learning outcomes / Evaluation criteria:
  1.     To identify the characteristic that distinguish between the living beings and non-living beings.
  2.     To understand the basic requirements the living beings for can live.
  3.     To know the hierarchic classification of the living beings.
  4.     To know the concept specie and the nomenclature to use for describe it.
2. Subject Content:

  1.     The different characteristics of living beings and molecular components of living matter.
  2.     Conditions that make possible the life in the Earth.
  3.     The rules for classify and the classification of living beings.
  4.     Concept of specie. Habitat and environmental factor.
  5.     Observation of influence the biotic and abiotic factors of living beings.
  6.     Classification the objects to use habitual.

Session 1: In the beginnig of the lesson we will make a previous knowledge activity. Then we will define what a living being is and we will explain the three vital functions: nutrition, relation and reproduction and paying attention to the two types of nutrition: autotrophic and heterotrophic.

Session 2: In this session we will see the study of the relation and reproduction functions paying attention to the differences between asexual and sexual reproduction.
We will watch two videos about it.

Sessions 3 & 4: In these sessions we will study the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and their parts.

Session 5: In this lesson we will see the different organizative levels of living beings and how they are organized in five kingdoms taking into account the type of cell, the complexity of their structure and the kind of nutrition they have.

First students will work in this worksheet:


Scientists sort out all living beings into groups according to the similarities between them. Firstly, all living beings are divided into kingdoms. Perhaps you have heard of the Animal Kingdom and the Plant Kingdom but living beings are classified into five kingdoms: monera, protista, fungi, plants and animals. This is a summary of their characteristics:

  1. Which kingdoms are the most wellknown?

  2. Which kingdoms are formed only by heterotrophic beings?

  3. Which difference is there between fungi and plants?

  4. Which kingdom do bacteria belong to?

  5. Is there any similarity between fungi and animals?

And then we will work on the interactive activities in this website:

Session 6: We will finish the unit by doing a laboratory exercise about the use of microscope and the cell

Laura Mangut Serrano

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