martes, 8 de mayo de 2018

Our body

Title of the unit: Our body 

Level: second grade

Subject: Science


In this unit we are review some concepts that the children already know like food and parts of the body and introduce new vocabulary with the help of books, online interactives activities and songs.


My objectives of this teaching unit are:

- To learn the names of the most important parts of our body.

- To identify and describe the five senses.

- To classify food into food groups.

- To identify the main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

- To become familiar with the Food Pyramid.

- To know the most importance healthy lifestyle habits 


In total, there will be six sessions' 50 minute each one. Two sessions will be dedicate to our body, two to healthy habits in general and the last two will be focus on the healthy food.

I will do different distribution of the class according the task:

-          Main group: to common activities

-          Small group: to play games, look for information, some of the tasks.

-          Individual group: for writing activities, complete sentences, matching and classify words…


1st  session: body part 1 vocabulary

We will learn the basic parts of the body with flashcards. Then we will stick in a body the names of them. (grammar: What is this? This is …., Have you got…? Yes, I have/ No, I haven't)

2nd session: body part 2

We will review the vocabulary of the first session. We will learn what we can do with our body and we will listen and learn a song about it. (grammar: I use my eyes/nose/mouth/legs to…., I can/can't)

3rd session: The five senses

We will read the book "My five senses" and we will do worksheets about it. We will create a sense box. (Grammar: can/can't Example: I can see with my eyes)

4th session: Healthy food part 1 vocabulary

We will learn the food vocabulary and classify the in groups: meat, vegetables, sweets, fish, etc. After that, we will create a pyramid food. (Gammar: What is this? This is …., My favourite food is…, Do you like…? Yes, I do/No, I don't.  I like…)

5th session: Healthy food part 2

We will review the vocabulary of the last session, then we will classify between healthy and unhealthy food. Finally, we will create a healthy menu for a single day. (Grammar: What is this? This is …., My favourite food is…, Do you like…? Yes, I do/No, I don't.  I like…, Is it healthy or unhealthy?)

6th session: Healthy lifestyle habits

We will review all the vocabulary learned and we will learn basic healthy routines like brush your teeth, do exercise, play, sleep well, eat well… We will watch a video about how we should brush our teeth correctly. (Grammar: do you sleep well? Yes, I do, No, I don't)

URL to symbaloo:

URL to educaplay:

Marta Sánchez Saponi


Marta Sánchez Saponi

Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús 
C/ Médico Sorapán, 21. C.P: 10002
Tfno: 927 22 00 00

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2 comentarios:

  1. Hola Marta, muy interesante tu unidad sobre el cuerpo humano, y la necesidad de tener unos buenos hábitos alimenticios y de practicar deporte, así como lavarse los dientes, etc. ya que todo repercute en la salud de nuestros chicos, y esto en su capacidad de aprendizaje. Gracias por compartir.

  2. ¡Hola Marta! Me ha encantado tu proyecto final. La importancia de llevar hábitos de vida saludables y la práctica del ejercicio físico son dos piezas claves para trabajar desde pequeños en las aulas. Creo que le has dado un buen enfoque teórico-práctico. Un saludo ;)
