sábado, 9 de diciembre de 2017



This unit it´s named: ANIMALS. 

We are going to work this unit in the subject:  NATURAL SCIENCE
This unit is going to be in English 

To INTRODUCE this unit we are going to learn in a second language the different kinds of animals according to:

-       The body, that is; vertebrates or invertebrates.

-       The place where they live

-       The food they eat.



The LEARNING OUTCOMES are the following: 

      I.        Distinguish the different kinds of animals that we can find in the environment.

    II.        Difference and classify animals according to their characteristics.

   III.        Classify animals in: mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians.

  IV.        Know where they usually live, what they usually eat and how they live.

   V.        Understand the reproduction of these animals.


This unit is going to have a TASK:

What animal am I? Each pupil is going to have a card and they have to stick in the right place according to the classification in vertebrates or invertebrates. This activity have a second part: They must reproduce the animal sound and the other group has to guess the animal.

We can repeat this activity classifying the animals in different ways: according to their diet, according to the place where they live, etc.

This Unit is going to be Carry out in 6 or 7 lessons:

Each lesson in going to have this structure:

1.    Welcoming.

2.    Greetings

3.    Weather.

4.    Warming up activity.

5.    Lessons:


Lesson 1:

We are going to see in the digital board images about animals. The first one is going to be this

In this image we can see different animals that pupils are going to recognize because you can found them in children´s cartons or film.

With this image we are going to see the pupils´ previous knowledge about the topic.

Then we are going to speak about our pets with the questions: DO YOU HAVE A PET?


Lesson 2:

 In this unit we star remembering the names of same animals we saw the lesson before.

We are going to practice the spelling: http://www.mundoprimaria.com/juegos-de-ingles/juego-animales-ingles/

For this game we are going to use the tablets.

Then we are going to use newspapers to cut animals and practice the structure: "do you have a pet? Yes, I have. I have a … or No I, haven´t.


Lesson 3:

We are going to learn some places where animals live with this activity:


Descripción: C:\Users\USUARIO\Desktop\tarjetas-de-animales-en-ingles.jpg

Then we are going to play a game about where the animals live:



Lesson 4:

Then we are going to speak about how to take care and protect animals.

In this lesson we are going to look for information in Internet about animals in danger. After that pupils have to present a document with the information they have found.

This link is for the evaluacion rubric


Lesson 5:

Then we are going to see a video to understand the different animal classifications we can found.



Then we are going to see the different classification with same flashcard:


Then we are going to learn the new vocabulary playing different games with flashcards:

-       Listen and repeat.

-       Listen and point.

-       Listen and tell me the number.

-       Listen and show me the flashcard.

-       Listen and stick on the board.


Lesson 6:

We are going to make a mural classifying animal with students´ photos and cutouts same similar to this one: 


Lesson 7:

In this lesson we are going to review the vocabulary using a mini-book with the same images that the flashcard, so pupils have to color them.

And finally students are going to evaluate themselves



3 comentarios:

  1. En el mundo AICLE, las posibilidades de encontrar Unidades para los niveles más básicos, son limitadas. Siempre son de agradecer propuestas en las que se forma sencilla y muy visual (sobre todo a la hora de hacer la curación de recursos), se ofrezcan actividades que se adapten a diferentes ritmos de aprendizaje o puedan ser utilizadas para llevar los distintos contenidos a alumnos con Niveles Curriculares más bajos. Tu unidad se presta a este curetaje. Me gusta por su sencillez y me va a resultar útil para utilizar algunas de tus propuestas con una alumna con NEE.

  2. Considero que es una unidad didáctica AICLE perfectamente enfocada para el tema que se trata y el alumnado al que va dirigido. Creo que hay mucha motivación visual que logrará que los conocimientos queden afianzados en L2. Las ilustraciones utilizadas están muy bien seleccionadas para las actividades que se proponen.

  3. Una vez vista la unidad, creo que sigue perfectamente el enfoque metodológico AICLE. Quiero añadir que, con niveles tan bajos como es el elegido, lo más importante es centrarse en las destrezas orales (speaking and listening) como bien ha hecho la compañera. Además, con respecto a las tareas y actividades propuestas, prima las actividades visuales, que captarán la atención del niño y ayudará a la adquisición de ambos, la lengua extranjer ay los contenidos de la asginatura. Así que, desde mi punto de vista, es una unidad completa, asequible y que se puede poner en práctica con muchas posibilidades de éxito.
