This is the first one I have done using AICLE methodology.
I have choosen this topic because I have worked it during this course although in Spanish.
I have to say that I am not teaching in a Bilingual School or in a school with Bilingual Section, so this unit is just theorical, I can not bring practical experience.
The main purpose of this unit is to become aware of the relationship between all the beings of an ecosystem, and how the human being can influence these ecosystems, both negatively and positively.
To this end, I pose the following objectives:
- Understand that all living beings are necessary to maintain the food chain.
- Understand that the weather and the amount of water will lead to different ecosystems.
- Be aware of the damage that human beings cause in the environment.
- Commit to do our part to try to reduce this damage.
In this way, work will be promoted with different groupings and using new technologies. Especially in the tasks:
- Prepare a presentation in which they analize all the elements of a nearby ecosystem.
- Carry out a work using images in which the negative effects of some activities of the human being are explained, and provide possible solutions for each of those problems.
SESSION 1: we will dedicate this session to make clear the difference between living and non-living things. For this, we carry out the following activities:
- Brainstorming: What characteristics does a living being have?, What functions do living beings do?, How can we distinguish living beings from non-living?
- Alphabet soup:
- Classify words:
SESSION 2: What is an ecosystem?
- Video: http://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-an-ecosystem-definition-lesson-quiz.html
study.comSimilar to a car engine that is made up of multiple parts working together, an ecosystem has interacting parts that support a whole. But, how do we...
-Answer the questions:
-Read and answer:
SESSION 3: Food chain-food web.
-Explain and comment on different food chains using images from the internet. Example:
-Complete the food chain and explain:
www.youtube.comA food chain is a simple version of what actually happens in nature,it shows how each living thing gets their food, and how energy and nutrients are passed f...
Analize the elements of a nearby ecosystem, in pairs o small groups.
Use internet to look for images and information, explain to classmates.
SESSION 5: kind of ecosystems.
-Explain using different images on the internet, for example:
-Are these statements true or false?:
-Game: test yourself.
SESSION 6: human activities.
-Show some images on the internet, for example:
-Small debate: What can we do to resolve the problem?
-Save the world: complete using should/shouln´t.
www.englishwsheets.comWhat should/shouldn't we do to save the world (environment)?How can we prevent pollution?Look at the pictures,read the sentences and fill in the blanks with should or ...SESSION 7: task.
Carry out a work using images in which the negative effects of some activities of the human being are explained and provide possible solutions for each of those problems.
In pairs or small groups.
Explain to classmates.
SESSION 8: compilation and evaluation.
-Read the questions and choose the correct answer:
-Caza del tesoro:
vero-nuestraclase.blogspot.com.esLOS ECOSISTEMAS INTRODUCCIÓN: La palabra ecología procede del término oikos , que significa (casa, hogar). Se utilizó por primera vez ...
El trabajo realizado es muy atractivo y completo ya que utiliza recursos variados para el aprendizaje de la L2. Las actividades motivadoras, introductorias y de consolidación incitan, muy mucho,a ese aprendizaje.
ResponderEliminarME ha encantado tu propuesta con actividades muy variadas y atractivas, además de cumplir con los objetivos adecuados al nivel del alumnado.
ResponderEliminarMe hace muy feliz que cada vez haya más maestros que utilicen recursos tan variados y pensando en lo realmente importante: los alumnos.