martes, 19 de diciembre de 2017

Popular and traditional games



Course/Level: 5º Primary Education

Subject: Physical Education


This didactic unit is aimed at students in 5th year of primary education with the main objective of knowing and learning popular and traditional games.

The main objetives are:

Practice popular games to expand the baggage of our students

 Create and develop the existence of a playful cultura 

Promote our cultural heritage through these games 

Collect the maximum number of possible games 

Respect rules and basic rules within the game


At the end of the unit, a group activity will be presented, in which they will have to work on the popular games they have worked on in class that they liked the most. They should also look for information about the games and make a small presentation in English


This didactic unit will be carried out in 3 sessions, specifically during the third quarter. The place where it will be developed will be in the physical education classroom that the school has as it is a wide classroom to be able to carry out all the activities.

In the first place, we will carry out an introductory activity in which we will show a small power point presentation about popular game.

Once the introductory activity is finished, we will carry out the explanation of the popular games that we will learn.

First game: bull in high

When catching, but to avoid being caught, the pursued player must climb the other (as a horse).

Secong game: the light bulb

One is left and placed with the trunk tilted at the beginning of the bulb (in the cap) so that his teammates can jump when entering the bulb. The rest is placed in order and lined up outside it. Before starting the game, the mother tells the ear that the name of a fruit is left. The students enter the light bulb jumping to the one who is saying it in the air the name of a fruit, when falling they can take two steps in the direction that they wish and they stay still. If they touch a partner or say the forbidden fruit, it will be left

Third game: the blind hen

One is left with his eyes covered by a handkerchief, the rest is placed around him. The one who remains is given several laps while we sing the official song of the game: "Blind hen, what have you missed ...". After this he has to try to catch one of his companions and helping himself to guess who he is. If you guess it will change the role with the partner reached, if you make a mistake the monitor will choose the partner that will happen to him.

Fourth game: bag races

All with their legs tucked in a bag behind the exit sign. At the signal the race begins until a certain mark and return to the place of departure. The 1st to cross the finish line wins. It is a round trip.

Final activity

At the end of the games and to deepen what we have learned, we will carry out a webquest.



This is the link of my unit







2 comentarios:

  1. Me gusta mucho el tema que has elegido. Creo que a través de los juegos se favorece la comunicación y la interacción haciendo que el lenguaje se utilice de una manera más natural manteniendo nuestras tradiciones. Enhorabuena.

  2. qué interesante y divertida tiene que ser esta unidad para los alumnos. Creo que el juego a esta edad es la mejor forma de aprendizaje, y permite aplicar todo lo que hemos estado viendo en el curso, como scaffolding introduciendo nuevos términos en actividades que seguro ya controlan. Congratulations!!!
