martes, 18 de diciembre de 2018

Our Lab: Chemistry in the kitchen

Title of the Project: "Our Lab"

Title of the Unit: "Chemistry in the kitchen"

Level: 2 ESO


La cocina puede ser un contexto de aprendizaje de la química en la Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria muy útil a la hora de estudiar las sustancias y sus propiedades, mezclas, disoluciones y coloides, cambios físicos y químicos, donde el alumnado entiende que la química está presente en nuestra vidas convirtiendo la cocina en nuestro laboratorio cotidiano.


A continuación, se detallan los objetivos y las tareas producto de la unidad:



The kitchen is a lab so what we are going to do is to experiment in the kitchen. Our task is to mix different types of substances to prepare a delicious dish! Meanwhile we will need to be experts ourselves to be able to know:

a)    What is the different ingredients mode of?

b)    How do different substances mix?

c)    Have we got any acid or base in our kitchen? Which is the difference between them?

d)    Preservation methods in the ingredients we have used.



  • Definition of matter and measurement of its main features (density, moss, weight and volume)
  • Classification of different types of mixtures.
  • Experimenting with acids and bases.
  • Reflexion on the way of presenting food and hygiene factors in food manufacture.
  • Identification of the chemistry found in the kitchen.
  • Use drawings to label specific vocabulary
  • Matching activities, filling gaps in simple sentences
  • Put words in order to make sentences
  • Write short sentences to show their main ideas
  • Quizizz, Kahoot, and crossword to improve the speclfic vocabulary
  • Searching information in videos
  • Experiments


  • U-1: Matter in the Kitchen
  • U-2: Mixtures
  • U-3: Experimenting with acids and bases
  • U-4: Preservation methods
  • U-5: Designing our restaurant


Searching information in videos, presentations and texts:


Look at the presentation Mass, volume and density:


and then also watch the video Properties of Matter:


Some of the resources and materials used in this unit are:


Textual+visual resources:

Mass, Volume and Density

mass-vs-weight comic

Density information

Archimedes comic

Visual+aural resources:

Properties of Matter

Measuring Regular and Irregular Solids

Mass and Weight on the Moon and Other Planets

Manipulative+interactive resources:

Lemons experiment

Sugar Density Layers experiment

Gamification resources:


Lab quizizz

Enlace a la plantilla de la Unidad Didáctica


Gonzalo Prados

Consejería de Educación y Empleo
Junta de Extremadura

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