lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2018


DU Title: "Me and my body"


Teacher: Alicia Casilda Romero


Course/Level: 2nd level of Primary Education


Subject: Natural Science


It is plan for aproximately 7-8 lessons. (each day students are going to do 2-3 tasks and they can do one online game).



In this didactic unit we are going to develop the next learning outcomes and evaluation criteria.


1. Learning outcomes / Evaluation criteria:


To know and identify the different parts of the body.

To identify the principles joints and bones of the body.

To name the different sense organs and their functions.

To develop strategies to memorise, organise and relate information.



The activities/task will be:


1. Let's look at some pictures. What do you see on these flashcards? Name it (Flashcards games). Try to organize them into three columns: head – body – limbs. You should stand up, come to the blackboard, choose a flashcard and put it into the different columns.




- Flashcards available:



Also you can use the app QUIZLET, where you can find different ways to learn and review the concepts as in the same way as with flashcards but maybe more motivated for our pupils.




2. Read the following text and look carefully at the images. The teacher writes on the black board the key words to elaborate a definition. Teacher helps pupils to remember vocabulary and to write and learn the new vocabulary or concept.



- Reading pag 10 activity 2



3. Listen and point the parts of the body.


Listening available:


Image availabe in: Google: body parts - images.


4. Label the pictures with the correct parts of the body. Then colour it to make a distinction (head, body, limbs) ved=0ahUKEwivIbqPneAhXMSBUIHc5qBQIQ_AUIDigB&biw=1366&bih=608#imgrc=WtyVjEDn00Bd9M:



5. Write these parts of the body in the correct column. (Head, body, limbs)


 Picture available: Google - head body limbs – images



6. Point to a part of the body and say something about it to your classmates. TPR activity. Example: This is my eye



7. Listen to the song and act out while singing. (Body parts and senses).



8. Read the text about the senses. Find the senses in the text and match it with the pictures.


 Available in:



9. Look at these images and write the sense that these people all using.





10. Talk to your classmate about what senses people are using


 Picture available in google - people using senses – images


11. Wordsearch about parts of the body created by me



Draw a monster (as a whole class activity, all of the students must draw some part of the body in a cardboard) Then speak about what that the monster has got.



More games


3 comentarios:

  1. Buenas tardes Alicia, me gusta mucho tu unidad,está muy completa y creo que el material que has creado esta fenomenal para trabajar el tema del cuerpo. Yo también he utilizado el mismo tema pero orientado a Educación Infantil y, por eso me ha gustado también ver la tuya. ENHORABUENA!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Buenas noches Alicia,
    Me parece muy interesante y completa tu unidad didáctica, veo que usas muchos REAs que además están claramente vinculados con el tema. Me encanta la actividad final que permite consolidar los conocimientos adquiridos de una forma divertida y original.
