jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

Arithmetic and geometric progressions

LESSON   Arithmetic and geometric progressions


Timing  2 weeks                       Course / Level 3º ESO                  Subject: Mathematics for academic studies







Lesson Contents:


 2. Series  

 3. Arithmetic progressions

4. The sum of an arithmetic series

5. Geometric progressions

6. The sum of a geometric series


 Linguistic Contents:

-Syntactic-discursive aspects:

. To express probability:

      I think it has to be / It's

      I got the same number because …

. To describe the term in a sequence

     I think you are wrong because …

     Don't you think there are more options? I do because …

     This way we won't get anything useful because…

     We have to consider

     How do you calculate/ estimate/ define... this?

     Why do you think that?

- Vocabulary:

Sequence. (General) term. Length of a sequence. Increasing or (decreasing) sequence. Limit (of a sequence). Arithmetic/geometric progression. Common difference. Common ratio.


Cultural Contents:

-Study of sequences in ancient civilizations: Babylon and Ancient Egypt

-Fibonacci sequence



1. Find regularities in numerical sequences.


2. Find some of the relationships between regularities and sequences Numbers.


3. Find the general term of an arithmetic or geometric progression.


4. Identify and use sequences.


5. Find the sum of n consecutive terms of an arithmetic progression.


6. Find the sum of n consecutive terms of a geometric progression




Language communication (CCL)






Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology (FCTC)





Learning to Learn (CAA)





Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship (SIEP)



Digital Competence (CD)





Awareness and cultural expressions (CEC)



 To know, to acquire, to extend and to apply the vocabulary of the subject

 Make a comprehensive reading of the statements


To know the basic notions about probability

 To use adequately the strategies of the basic calculation of probabilities

 Solve situations using learned mathematical notions


Organize ideas, ideas and arguments in an orderly and constructive way



 Be autonomous to carry out individual activities

  Express own ideas in an argumentative way



Update the use of new technologies to improve work and facilitate daily life.


Study how different cultures have contributed over time to develop the concept of progression and what is its application current utility.







1. Write a concrete term of a given sequence by its general term, or recurrently.

2. It obtains the general term of a sequence given by its first terms (very simple cases).

3. He recognizes the arithmetic progressions and calculates their difference, their general term, and obtains any term.

4. Calculate the sum of the first terms of an arithmetic progression.

5. He recognizes the geometric progressions, calculates his reason, his general term and obtains any term.

6. Calculate the sum of the first terms of a geometric progression.

7. Calculate the sum of the infinite terms of a geometric progression with | R | <1.

8. Solve problems, with statement, of arithmetic progressions.

9. Solve problems, with statement, of geometric progressions.


- To know the meaning of the main concepts treated


 - Relate concepts to solve practical situations and answer questions on successions


 - Calculate the general term of a sequence, an arithmetic progression, or a Geometric progression


 - Calculate determinate terms of successions or progressions


 - Calculate the sum of the first terms of an arithmetic or geometric progression


Didactic material in PDF format



- Activities to write the concrete term of a progression from its general term or its recurrent form.

- Activities to write the general term of a sequence given its first terms.

- Activities to recognize an arithmetic progression and calculate its different elements.

- Activities to calculate the sum of the n first terms of an arithmetic progression.

- Activities to recognize a geometric progression and calculate its different elements.

- Activities to calculate the sum of the n first terms of a geometric progression.

- Activities to calculate the sum of the infinite terms of a geometric progression when | R | <1.

- Activities to solve problems involving arithmetic progressions.

- Activities to solve problems involving geometric progressions.



para verlo completo lo he compartido en drive:

Maria Soledad Casado Sanz

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