sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016

Learning to Count. (Up to 9)

Learning to Count. (Up to 9)
Course/Level: 1º de Primaria.
                                                                                               Imagen en el mensaje

Mi unidad va dirigida a los niños/as de 1º Nivel de Primaria. Dentro del área de Matemáticas nos vamos a dedicar al aprendizaje del conteo de números anteriores a la primera decena.

Como podéis ver es un estadio muy elemental de las matemáticas donde intentaremos conseguir nuestros objetivos con ilustraciones, videos, canciones y otros materiales que los/as motiven y les hagan enfrentarse a  los números con ilusión y sin prejuicios.

La estructura resumida de la unidad es la siguiente:

1. Learning outcomes/ Evaluation criteria.
-          Analyze and understand the statement of a problem.
-          Verbally express in a reasoned way the process followed in solving a problem.
-          Use processes of reasoning and problem solving strategies, performing the necessary calculations and checking the solutions obtained
-          Identify and solve problems of daily life, appropriate to their level, establishing connections between reality and mathematics and assessing the usefulness of appropriate mathematical knowledge for problem solving.
-          Deepening in how to solve problems, raising small variations in data, other questions, etc.
-          Relying on their own abilities to develop appropriate attitudes and face the difficulties of scientific work.
-          Overcoming blockage and insecurities in the resolution of unfamiliar situations.
-          Use technological means in the learning process, searching, analyzing and selecting relevant information on the Internet or other sources, developing own documents, making presentations etc.
-          Read, write and order, using appropriate arguments, natural numbers to 9.
-          Build increasing and falling to 9 series.
-          Interpret different types of numbers according to their value in diary life situations.
-          Perform operations and numerical calculations using different procedures, including mental arithmetic in problem-solving situations.
2. Subject Content.
·         Numbers  up to 9.
·         Recognition of the spelling of numbers up to 9.
·         Quantifiers: many, few, none.
·         Count up to 9 items.
·         Writing numbers until 9.
·         Writing increasing and decreasing series of numbers up to 9.
·         Recognition where there is more or less elements.
·         Comparison of two or more digits-numbers.
·         Sort multiple digit-numbers.
·         Data Interpretation/extraction  from a text with numbers and/or drawings.
3. Task.
The final task consist of finding out who is the winner of a game. They have to  draw in a graphic the amount of objects that the participant have.
4. Methodology .
This unit will take place during 10 sessions.
Each session  will be made up of 2 or 3 new activities and  1 or none revision activity of the previous day session.
That will make an average of 1 activity each 15 min.
Several activities can be worked in pairs or small groups. Specially Activities Nº 2, 3, 16, 17.
As a final assessment we'll do a 10 question test picking the most important exercises viewed.
Sessions · Activities · Resources-
Session 1:
1-    -  Put stickers on several treespictures  to work the concepts: little, a lot, nothing.
2-     -  Identify a picture of a yard and say if there are more boys or girls.
3-     -  Indicate en several pictures where there are more boys than girls/girls tan boys.
Session 2:
1-     -  Sing the song "The Animals Went in Two by Two".
2-    -   Count the objects of a worksheet.
3-    -   (Revision) Indicate en several pictures where there are more boys than girls/girls tan boys.
Session 3:
1-     -  Rewrite the numbers of a worksheet.
2-     -  Sing the song "Five little monkeys".
3-     -  Count and circle the elements of several pictures / drawings.
Session 4:
1-     -  Count and write the elements of some pictures / drawings.
2-     -  Count the elements of some photos / drawings and join them with the corresponding number.
3-    -  (Revision) Sing the song "The Animals Went in Two by Two".
Session 5:
1-    -  Draw / colour the amount of elements indicated by a number.
2-    -  Perform a numbers dictation/bingo.
3-    - Compare two drawings of the same element and use the terms "... are less / more than ...." "... Is greater / smaller than".
Session 6:
1-    -  Circle the biggest/lowest number of a couple of them in a  picture / drawing.
2-    -   Coloring the biggest/lowest number of several dices.
3-    -  (Revision) Sing the song "Five little monkeys".
Session 7:
1-    -  Write the ascending and descending series from 1 to 9.
2-    -  Playing interactive games to learn how to perform series of numbers.
3-    -  Working on a vocabulary workseet about summer vacation.
Session 8:
1-    - Count the objects of a worksheet related to summer vacation.
2-    -  Working on a worksheet with a bar graph.
3-    -  (Revision) Compare two drawings of the same element and use the terms "... are less / more than ...." "... Is greater / smaller than".
Session 9:
1-    -  Find out who wins a game by drawing on a bar graph.
2-    -  Play a dice game called "race car".
Resources: Others: Game "race car" http://auladelamaestralaura.blogspot.com.es/2016/03/3-2-1a-contar.html; Others: Dices
3-    -  Video:  Review
Resources: Videos: Unit Review. https://youtu.be/WJAIX1IINyE
Session 10:
Activity: 10 question test picking the most important exercises viewed.
4.A. NEW Resources.
4.A.A – Vocabulary. (Activity 19 – Session 8 Nº 1)
Imagen en el mensaje
1.        shovel (pala)
1.      dark (oscuro)
1.        count (contar)
1.      few (pocos)
2.        sand (arena)
2.        pink (rosa),
2.        compare (comparar)
2.        many (muchos)
3.        beach (playa)
3.        orange (naranja)
3.        observe (observar)
3.        some (algunos)
4.        towels (toallas)
4.        purple (morado)
4.        less (menos)
5.        bucket (cubo)
5.        more (más)
6.        castles (castillos)
6.        greater than (mayor que)
7.        box (caja)
7.        smaller  than (menor que)
8.        lowest (más pequeño)
9.        highest (más grande)
4.A.B – PowerPoint Presentation. (Activity 5 – Session 2 Nº 2)
Imagen en el mensaje

4.A.C – Glossary of terms (Activity 2 – Session 1 Nº 2)
Imagen en el mensaje
Imagen en el mensaje
Imagen en el mensaje
Imagen en el mensaje
Imagen en el mensaje
Imagen en el mensaje
Imagen en el mensaje
Imagen en el mensaje

4.A.D – Supporting TEXT (Activity 13 – Session 5 Nº 3)
Activity: Compare  two numbers.
En esta actividad trabajarás por parejas para comparar las tarjetas que tendréis cada uno de vosotros.
Estas tarjetas tendrán un lado de color (para que no podáis ver el número del compañero y por el otro tendrá el número para comparar.
                   Imagen en el mensaje
Contareis con 5 cartas cada uno.
Sacareis los dos las cartas a la vez y el que tenga el número mayor dirá:
"My number is the biggest"
El otro dirá:
"My number is the lowest"
4.A.E – Join with arrows activity (Activity 10 – Session 4 Nº 2)

4.A.F – Fill the gap activity (Activity 12 – Session 5 Nº 2)
                    Imagen en el mensaje
4.A.G – Video Guide (Activity 23 – Session 9 Nº 3)
                          Imagen en el mensaje
4.A.H – Interactive Activity about Series (Activity 17 – Session 7 Nº 2)
5. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)
To count up to 9 drawn elements and write the corresponding number.
To complete the ascending and descendant series from 1 to 9.
To identify where is the highest or lowest amount of an element.
To Graphically express numbers until 9.
To solve an easy problem expressing verbally the process followed.
Evaluation instruments:
Continuous oral assessment in every session.
-          True or false questions.
-          Short answer questions.
-          Analog questions
-          Ordering questions.
Each worksheet will be corrected.
At the end of the topic, the students will take a cumulative test.
Si deseas ver la plantilla de la unidad al completo pincha este enlace:
·         Documento realizado por EUGENIO CORTÉS ARDILA.

2 comentarios:

  1. Muy interesante tu artículo. La unidad es muy completa y tiene multitud de enlaces a actividades para los chavales así como materiales que me van a servir de bastante de cara a próximos cursos. Buen trabajo!

  2. Muy interesante tu unidad. Bien estructurada bajo el marco AICLE y destaca el uso de numerosos recursos on line en cada una de las sesiones. A lo que también habrá que estar atento, ya que en ocasiones el cargar demasiado nuestra labor docente sobre las TIC puede derivar en imprevistos que puedan abrir la puerta a momentos de dispersión.
