miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2019

Unit: Taking care of our health

UNIT: TAKING CARE OF OUR HEALTH.                                          

Level: Level 4 of Primary Education

Subject: Natural Sciences

Context: This unit takes place in the first term of the scholar course where students learn about their own body, how our body works and what we can do to keep healthy. This unit helps students to be aware and understand the importance of maintaining our body healthy by keeping the right habits in our daily. Food and a balanced diet is included in this unit, which is a good topic to practice cultural aspects like typical food from other countries and compare them to ours.


- To distinguish between healthy and unhealthy habits.

- To recognize different aspects of health.

- To learn how to have a balanced diet and its importance.

- To know how to make right decisions and avoid accidents.


Session 1. Introduction

- Brainstorm: Do you know any healthy habits? What do you do to stay healthy?

- Kahoot: Healthy habits previous knowledge.

- Flashcards games. Useful vocabulary for the unit.

- Healthy habits video. Questions about the video.

Session 2. Health aspects. Preventions and health care

- Writing: What is to be sick/ill? What do you feel when you are sick?

- Differences between: Physical health, mental health and social health. In pairs talk about it and find three examples of each one. Then, explain to the rest of the class.

- Pictures description. What are they doing wrong?

- Online game

Session 3. Balanced diet

- Debate: What is a balanced diet? Do you keep a balanced diet? Typical food from different countries (fish and chips, burgers, sushi, pasta? Healthy or unhealthy?

- In pairs, plan a menu for a day. Write down a shopping list including each of the food groups.

- Role play: At the market.

Session 4. Final task

- Project: Find out information about the olive oil and its benefits in our diet. Plan, design and prepare an exposition in groups of 3.

Session 5. Exposition

- Presentation of your project.


Pics: https://www.freepik.es/vector-gratis/dibujos-posturas-correctas-e-incorrectas_1154697.htm

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPHGa09cFuE

Online game: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/word-games/health-and-illness

Kahoot: https://kahoot.com/

Google drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NC4pu2dWFrIulUD5yXea8exslIJcL01t/view?usp=sharing

Alicia Alía Gómez-Cobián    

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