viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018


Nutrition Function                                   


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Subject: Natural Science

Level:4th primary school

The main objective will be the student becomes aware of the need to have a healthy diet

Learning outcomes

v  To identify the main organs of the sytems involve in  Nutrition  Function

v   To know different food groups

v  To clasify food according each group

v  To recognize healthy habits


Subject Content

v  Nutrition function: digestive system, respiratory system,  circulatory sistema and excretory system

v  Food classification

v  Healthy diet and health

v  Food pyramide

v   Nutrients



·         Braisntorm to know the previous knowledge of the students around the subject.

·         Presentation of the different  sytems involve in  Nutrition  Function: digestive system, excretory system, circulatory system and respiratory system, with visual support

·         We will  watch the video "How the Digestive System Works"


·          Identification organs of different systems and match with their names: stomach, esophagus, kidney, lung, heart, veins…They will work in groups of four

·          We will have a discussion about de activity




·         Presentation of the different food groups  with visual support and their main characteristics .I Will I will present this content on the digital board

·         .They will copy  the food wheel and will write the different food groups: vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

·          Complete sentences about the different groups, to summarize what they learned.

·         We will listen a song about the food groups.

·         We will try to learn the song



·          Presentation a of "nutritional pyramid" on the digital blackboard.  I will explain it, and then we will read the different foods aloud.

·         Game: "The nutritional pyramid". We will do groups of four students. We use plastic bricks and hide them in the class.

       *The yellow ones symbolize "the carbohydrates"

       *The green ones "the vitamins"

       *The orange ones "the proteins"

       *The red ones "the fats"

All group members holding hands have to go to find the hidden bricks, when they are told the type of brick they can take each time. Then, each group will build their nutritional pyramid.



The students will carry out  a mural where they collect the different food groups.They will use images of food from supermarket magazines, and will write their names: meat, fish, milk, eggs, bread, flour, sweets, chocolate, olive oil, yogurt, butter, fruit, vegetables ...

Then, each group will explain their work to their classmates..



·         We will  watch the video "healthy lifestyles": You will learn about "Balanced Diet" in this video. A diet, which contains all the nutrients, namely carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fats in right amounts,  is called a balanced diet. It should also contain sufficient amounts of dietary fibre and water.

·         In pairs, they will write sentences to give advices to carry out a balanced diet.

You should eat…

            Yo shouldn´t eat…

·         In large group will write several questions about healhty diet. Each student will ask the questions to his partner and write the answers



How many times do you eat….


How often do you eat …






·         Speaking about eating habit, (in large group).The teacher will encourage the students to interact

·          Games about learned concepts



The unit will be distributed in 6 sessions of 50 minutes.

Class methodology will be active and participatory, creating a safe classroom climate. It will be flexible, establishing realistic challenges depending on each student and using the appropriate scaffolding for each activity.

·         In all the activities we will speak in English

·         We will use specific vocabulary

·         We will use images to relate the vocabulary

·         We will encourage group work



Carmen Mª Quintanilla Terrones

1 comentario:

  1. ¡Hola Carmen Mª! Tu unidad me parece interesante y útil en la vida de los alumnos. Hay variedad de actividades y agrupamientos y promocionas el uso tanto de la lengua oral como escrita. Buen trabajo.
