lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2019

Introduction to technology

Course /Level : 2º ESO

Subjet: Technology



Why technology is so important in our daily life? How can affect us? Is there any way to improve the use of new technologies?

The following DU will explain the consequences of the technological activity, rants and raves about this topic.

You will also learn "How technology affects to the environment?"


Learning outcomes:

·         Explain through technical documentation the different phases of a product, from the design to the merchandising

·          Identify the needed stages to create a new technological product, describing every stage, with a society researching and proposing improvements in case it is needed.

·         Describe the social impact of a new project and also the environmental impact of it. 2

Subject  content:

·         Human progress through technology

·         The environment

·         The process of solving technological problems

·         Health and safety at work 


The methodology will be active. 

Students must work in small groups, in pairs and individually; They will discuss with the entire group too.

Timing: 4 lessons of 50 minutes.


Materials required:

To get further information click on the following link

Click on this link to download the complete DU

Introduction to technology DU


By Gloria Garrido Paiva

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