miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2020




  • Teacher: Raquel Rentero Sánchez 
  • Course/ Level: 2º E.P 
  • Subject: Natural Sciences 
  • Title of the unit: My Body 


In the unit we are going to work the parts of the body and the senses. The tasks will be varied, always encouraging the participation and interaction of the students. I detail them below. 


  • Objectives       


  • To learn the body parts 
  • To identify and describe the senses. 
  • To learn the importance of healthy eating. 
  • To identify the main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. 


  • Contents 


  • The parts of the body. 
  • The five senses. 
  • The meals. 
  • Healthy and unhealthy lifestyle habits. 



1st session: Food: part 1 vocabulary 

We will learn the basic vocabulary about food with flashcards.. (grammar: What is this? This is .., I like...,I don´t like...) 

2nd session: healthy food part 2 

We will review the vocabulary of the last session, then we will classify between healthy and unhealthy food. Finally, we will create a healthy menu for a single day. (Grammar: What is this? This is …., My favourite food is…, Do you like…? Yes, I do/No, I don't.  I like…, Is it healthy or unhealthy?) 

3rd session:  Food groups part 3 vocabulary 

We will learn the food vocabulary and classify the in groups: meat, vegetables, sweets, fish, etc. After that, we will create a pyramid food. (Gammar: What is this? This is …., My favourite food is…, Do you like…? Yes, I do/No, I don't.  I like…) 

4th session: The five senses 

We will read the book "My five senses" and we will do worksheets about it. We will create a sense box. (Grammar: can/can't Example: I can see with my eyes) 

5th session: Healthy lifestyle habits 

We will review all the vocabulary learned and we will learn basic healthy . 





ENLACE DRIVE UNIDAD FINAL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12CoFj_6XzR_8v8NDP4UqEMLSqqAk376b/view?usp=sharing



3 comentarios:

  1. Muy bien estructurada la UD y sobre todo muy visual para los niños.

  2. Me gusta mucho tu unidad, y las actividades online son adecuadas para el nivel, estoy segura de que los alumnos disfrutarán mucho.

  3. Enhorabuena por tu UD. Está muy bien estructurada y las actividades que has elaborado como recursos resultan muy llamativas por lo que despertará el interés y la motivación de tus alumn@s. Asociar recursos TIC al aprendizaje de vocabulario en L2 resulta una combinación muy productiva para el desarrollo cognitivo de los alumn@s en esta etapa educativa.
    Un saludo.
