lunes, 1 de junio de 2015

CLIL didactic unit Economics

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CLIL didactic unit


Subject:         ECONOMICS                                   Teacher: JOSÉ A. RODRIGUEZ BARREIRO


Title of the Unit: Economics                             Course / Level               4th ESO


1. Learning outcomes

 / Evaluation criteria

- To distinguish between the different sectors of the economy.

- To know the different stages of economic activities.

- To learn who are the economic subjects.

- To explain in a clear way, orally and in writing the  main measures in economics.

- To know the target and the main ways of "working" of the economy of a nation.

- Learn the main economic agents.

2. Subject Content

- Different activities included in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.

- Production, consumption, commerce and saving.

- Business enterprises, families and government.

- Economic stats and Gross National Product.

- The valued added in the production process.


3. Language Content / Communication



Nouns: Farming, fishing, mining, forestry, natural resources, chemical, food and Drink, healthcare and Medical, Mechanical, electrical and Process Engineering, metallurgical Process, printing and Packaging, wholesalers, retailers, mercantile agents, healthcare, leisure, tourism ….

Incomes, salary, taxes, labour force,…

SME (Small & Media Enterprises)

GNP (Gross National Product)

VAT (Valued Added Tax)


Adjectives: raw, valued, finished, profitable, non profitable,…


Verbs: Grow, concerned, include, manufacture, base, sell to, buy from, receive, provide, earn,…



Descriptions: The sector includes activities like…

Actions verbs.

Passive voice:  It is made by…

Comparatives (as, better than, bigger than,…)


Discourse type


Expressing result and conclusions.

Giving reasons and arguments.

Checking information.

Language skills

Writing:(Write 50 to 100 words about the economy in your region)

Speaking :( Work in small groups. Find out the advantages and disadvantages of the different production activities that are made in your region).

Describing images.

Answering questions


Read the text and mark words related with Economics.

Find advantages and disadvantages

Compare, contrast and comment.


Fill the gap in the text.

After listening comment with your partner what you have understood about it.

4. Contextual (cultural) element

Students in the class are from small villages nearby high school.

They have a high level of English, because they are in the 4th course of bilingual section, so they are trained to understand the task and structures that will be used.

Regarding this subject, students have previous basic knowledge

acquired in the subject of Social Science.

5. Cognitive (thinking) processes

Understand differences between the three sectors of the economy.

Analyze the main activities of the economy.

Use and understand some economic measures like GDP.


6. (a) Task(s)

Listening and read a text.

Look for information on the Internet.

Summarize and give an opinion (written and oral way) on some videos that we have seen.

Make lists and relate concepts.

Discuss and argue contrasting data.



6. (b) Activities

Activity1. Initial activity

How much do you know about Economics? Think of the answer to this question and then tell it to your partners in a little group.

Make a definition for Economics in your group and share it with the class.

Finally listen to the definition given by the teacher and agree or disagree with it.

Do you think that leisure, tourism, or mental activities are part of the Economics? Why? Work in small groups.



Activity 2

 Now you are going to listen to some information about what economics is. After listening and reading the text, work in pairs filling the gaps.


Filling the gap educaplay:



Activity 3

In pairs we are going to look for information on the Internet (each group one different economic activity. Each group will work in a different source.

Make a list answering these questions:

  • What is an economic activity?
  • What are in your opinion the main activities?
  • Which kind of economic activities are services?


Activity 4

Each group will make a poster with all the information from activity 3, including drawings, pictures and specific vocabulary (5 or 6 words)


Activity 5

Your group have to join the different activities of a list with the three sector of the economy.

Actividad relacionar educaplay:



Activity 6

Listen to the videos about the GNP and fill the gaps in the text given.

Actividad completar educaplay:



Activity 7

Your group should write 80 to 100 words summarizing your work in activity 6.


Activity 8

One student from each group will participate in a debate on the topic: "Which are the main activities in the society"

If you are not one of the students in the debate, don ́t worry, you will be able to participate and give your opinion in the final 10 minutes of the round table.


Activity 9

Look for GDP in Spain on the net and make an excel graphic for showing the evolution in the last decade.



Activity 10


Self-assessment activity, tick:  if you can, cannot, more or less  in a  rubric activity with the evaluation criteria for this unit that will be shared with the teacher.


I'm able to





- Understand economic concept.




- To distinguish between the different sectors of the economy.




- To know the different stages of economic activities.




- To learn who are the economic subjects.




- To explain in a clear way, orally and in writing the main measures in economics.




- To know the target and the main ways of "working" of the economy of a nation.




- Learn the main economic agents.




- To expose clearly  information (orally and in writing)





7. Methodology

Organization and class distribution / timing


These activities designed are prepared to be worked by my students individually as well as in small groups. The activities promote the participation of the students in class, since they are attractive to them, using plenty of visual aid which helps them to understand what they are asked to do. In the same way we will try to promote their individual autonomy looking some information up on the web.


All the activities, transcriptions and videos will be appear in mi class personal blog. In this way students will be able to follow the lessons even they can´t attend to classes or when they have more difficulties in understanding listening and L2.


This unit is planned to be taken in about 8 or 9 lessons.

Resources / Materials


  • Text books
  • Videos :

Economics in one lesson

60 seconds of adventures in economics

Economic activities:

What is Gross Domestic Product

Top ten countries with the highest GDP


Key Competences

The key competences worked through this unit are: linguistic, digital, social and civic, cultural and artistic competence, and autonomy and personal initiative.


Linguistic competence: Acquire, increase and put into practice the specific vocabulary

Mathematical competence: Students will have to use numbers and percentages

Knowledge of and interaction with thephysical world:

They have to  search for information on sources

enrergía in the world

Competence in information processing and digital competence: Students look for information on the Internet

Social and civic competence Students will analyze consequences of using each type of energy

Cultural and artistic competence Students will make


Learning to learn Students will implement strategies of individual work, in pairs and in groups to solve all tasks

Competition for autonomy and personal initiative: They will have to reach final conclusions by combining results from each of the participating groups


8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)

- Understand economic concept.

- To distinguish between the different sectors of the economy.

- To know the different stages of economic activities.

- To learn who are the economic subjects.

- To explain in a clear way, orally and in writing the main measures in economics.

- To know the target and the main ways of "working" of the economy of a nation.

- Learn the main economic agents.

- To expose clearly  information (orally and in writing)

- How  teamwork  was (participation, organization, respect for  opinions of others peers)

- Self-assessment

- Activities done (writings, posters, exercises, debates...)

- Exams

- Participation in class, pay attention...





José Antonio Rodríguez

2 comentarios:

  1. Hola José Antonio, tu unidad me parece muy acertada para el curso al que va destinada, utilizando recursos y actividades muy apropiados para el aprendizaje de los contenidos, además los trabajos en grupo que propones en las diversas sesiones favorece el aprendizaje colaborativo y el feedback.

  2. Hola José Antonio, tu unidad me parece muy acertada para el curso al que va destinada, utilizando recursos y actividades muy apropiados para el aprendizaje de los contenidos, además los trabajos en grupo que propones en las diversas sesiones favorece el aprendizaje colaborativo y el feedback.
