domingo, 10 de mayo de 2020



Esta Unidad Didáctica, que lleva por título TAKE CARE OF ME, I´M ONLY ONE, está pensada para ser aplicada en 5º de Primaria desde el área de Educación Física. Con ella pretendemos, fundamentalmente, que los alumnos reflexionen sobre su estilo de vida y conozcan y adopten hábitos saludables a nivel de alimentación y actividad física, siempre desde el respeto a la diversidad de realidades corporales y partiendo de una actitud crítica y reflexiva ante las modas y la imagen corporal de los modelos publicitarios.

La hemos ubicado en el Primer Trimestre, después de haber trabajado una unidad de conocimiento corporal, que servirá de base, y para establecer una serie de hábitos que esperamos que nos acompañen a lo largo de todo  el curso escolar.

Partiremos de una presentación en la que se va a establecer un diálogo, a través del cual podremos analizar esas opiniones y nos será útil para realizar una evaluación inicial, que nos ayudará a conocer cómo podemos ir "construyendo" el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje que vamos a desarrollar a lo largo de todas las sesiones. Al ser un área eminentemente práctica, y que solemos desarrollar fuera del aula ordinaria, vamos a estructurar nuestras sesiones (generalmente) con un pequeño diálogo inicial, donde compartiremos el proyecto, para desplazarnos después al patio o al aula de Educación Física, que carece de medios tecnológicos (con lo cual la mayoría de los materiales serán físicamente palpables, generalmente flashcards). Una vez realizadas las actividades previstas nos dirigiremos al aseo, donde procederemos a un buen aseo de manos y cara (principalmente) y por último, ya en su aula, realizaremos una breve reflexión o actividad final. 

No perderemos de vista los Objetivos que pretendemos, que serán:

  • Distinguir entre alimentos saludables y no saludables.

  • Utilizar juegos y actividades físicas para mejorar su conocimiento sobre alimentación y salud.

  • Dialogar entre todos sobre hábitos saludables.

  • Trabajar en grupos, respetándose a sí mismos y a los demás.

  • Consolidar hábitos ya conocidos de higiene diaria y resaltar la importancia de la práctica responsable y frecuente de actividad física para prevenir problemas de salud.

    La tarea principal que queremos que realicen es la de llevar a cabo un menú saludable para un fin de semana en casa, y lo vamos a ir trabajando  a través de diferentes actividades motrices para que se conciencien de los diferentes grupos de alimentos y de la necesidad de organizarlos de manera equilibrada. Las tareas que conformarán las sesiones serán las que se presentan de forma esquemática a continuación.



  • "Look and touch my colour". You have to be moving around the space (walking at the beginning and faster every time), then, I´m going to say some aliment...for example: "PEPPER", so you have to look for the main colour of this aliment and run to touch something with that colour. Do you understand? Let´s go!"

  • "Well, now, as you can see, there is a lot of cards at the end of the playground. We´re going to make two groups. Each group it´s going to have two boxes with several cards. One of them contains cards with the name in english, and the other one contains the name of an aliment in spanish. You have to look in both boxes to find the names with the same meaning, then, you have to run away with both names in your hands, match them with the correct picture and give your partner over again. Ok? So… the game start in 3...2...1...GO!" (We can use some of this flashcards and write the name in spanish too).

  • Time to go clean up before going back to class! 

  • "To relaxing us, we are going to learn a little bit about the food pyramid, have you ever ear about it? Who can tell me something about that? Stand up your hands before speaking, please!" Food Pyramid


  • Our warm up game today is called "You take the pizza". A student chosen by Class Doyo App, will take a slice of "fluffy" pizza, and will try to catch the others. The slice will go from one to another.

  • We will have hidden some pieces of food made of cloth (and other cards that we used in yesterday games) in the schoolyard. We are going to divide the group in two, and each one will have an empty Food Pyramid, where they will have to place the food they in the correct side. When we are done, we will count the food found, and those that are not in the right place, will go to the other team.


  • We´re going to talk about the IMC. "Do you know what does it mean?" This index calculates the amount of fat you have in your body. If it is too high, it means that your weight is above that it should be. So, we have to learn to eat and cook as healthy as possible. First of all, we´re going to calculate our IMC, so… write in your notebooks how to do it, so we can calculate it.

  • "Now we´re going down to the playground (remember the rules: take your toilet bags, form a line and go down in silence, please). As you can see, there are several boxes with different foods. You have to take those that you think you need to design the one-day diet for a person with the characteristics you want (Breakfast, meal, lunch, dinner…). You may choose one or more of each box. There is one for FIRST COURSE, one for MAIN COURSE, one for DESSERTS, one for DRINKS, and some more (like SWEETS or APPETIZERS). Later, we´ll see the results, Ok? You have about… ten minutes to choose everything, ok? Are you ready?? The time begin in 3...2...1.. GO!" (We have got printed several cards with all the elements from CÓMO COMO, for example:

  • (Comments the results looking in the App some of this menus), "if you need to do some changes… this is your chance!!!"

  • Time to wash our hands and face!

  • (We have also printed some dishes inspired by the NUTRIPLATO, by Nestlé). In the classroom, we´re going to ask if they know it, to show them the original, and explain the main concepts about how it works. Do you dare to try it this weekend? I propose you a challenge: the one who uses the proportions at home and takes a photo of them, will get 3 Class Dojo points!! 


  • We´ll start like everyday, greeting the children. We will start talking about the importance of having good body postures, of doing different physical activities to work our whole body. (mini video 3 minutes)

  • In the Gym, we´ll began the warm up playing to "Like a Yogi", throught flashcards

  • In pairs, we have to carry some cards between both backs (we´ll use cards with some cooking verbs) from a line to another.

  • Now we´ll play in the schoolyard. There´ll be several boxes on the floor, in the middle of the playground, with a picture under each of them. Around the boxes on the ground, we´re going to draw a circle that they cannot cross. They have to throw balls to be able to turn the boxes and see what drawing is hidden under them. If it is a drawing of a correct posture, they will be able to continue pulling, but if it is of a bad posture, they must turn all the boxes again. There´ll be two very important rules: all students must throw the same number of times, and if one of them picks up a ball, he cannot throw it directly, he must pass it to a partner.

  • We´re going to form 4 groups. Each of them will have a marker pen. We are going to do a relay race: they will have to put the marker on their heads and reach the other side of the track without dropping them. Once there, you must fill in one of the missing letters (one by one) in each picture. OPTION 1  OPTION 2 OPTION 3 OPTION 4

  • Time to wash our hands and faces!!!!


  • Today we´re going to play to "THE HEALTHY WEITER". They are going to choose a character to serve, and a ORDER CARD for group (5 groups, 4 children for each). They have to choose different dishes to conform an appropriate menu for the person they have chosen. Later,  they´ll change the person to serve.

  • Afterwards, they will change characters until they "have served" the food to the four of them.

  • When they have finished, they will exchange their menus, and already in class after they have cleaned themselves, each group will evaluate at the same time the card of the same character from another group through a link on the digital board. TAKE ME TO THE EXERCISE

  • For the next day,  everyone will bring their favorite recipe written and they´ll have to come characterized.


  • This week we're celebrating Halloween, so we will come dressed as someone terrifyingly healthy (a cook, an athlete, a cleaner …). Fist of all, and after the greetings, we will comment on all their costumes and organize a fashion show. That way, we'll also work on body expression.

  • After the fashion show, we´re going to make a circle, and one by one, everyone will have to show us how to prepare their recipe through gestures, and the rest of us have to imitate them.

  • It´s time to "Find the treasure". I have hidden 10 pumpkins and 10 foam chestnuts around the schoolyard. They have to be able to find them all before the bell rings.

  • Before the party (that is celebrated with other departments every year), we´ll have to wash our hands and faces. 

Para que se pueda apreciar la concordancia, podemos consultar el Documento de Programación. Espero que podamos seguir compartiendo y mejorando experiencias.

Rocío Luis Gil

1 comentario:

  1. Buenas tardes compañera
    Me he decidido a comentar tu unidad didáctica ya que me parece una temática muy importante para nuestro alumnado. Es fundamental el desarrollo de buenos hábitos alimenticios para prevenir futuros problemas que pueden traer consecuencias negativas en las siguientes etapas de desarrollo de los alumnos/as.
    La unidad está muy bien estructurada y me parece que has hecho un trabajo genial.
