Mi UD "The Circus" va dirigida a 6º curso de Educación Primaria para la asignatura Physical Education.
El tema principal a tratar son los malabares, y su objetivo principal, es la mejora de la cordinación oculo-manual entre otras. Además, éste tema puede ser trabajado de manera interdisciplinar con la materia de Natural Science, ya que también trabajaremos de donde viene la palabra "juggling - juggler - circus- trapezist..." remontándonos a los años en los que surgió el circo y su evolución con el paso de los años, así como con el área de Inglés por los contenidos de tiempos verbales y el uso del inglés como lengua vehicular.
- Timing: the UD will be divided into 10 sessions.
•Session 1: Initial assessment: what do you know about circus? How many types of circus do you know? Watch the video (activity 1)
•Session 2: the students prepare the balls and learn the easiest tricks.
•Session 3: students will form the group for the show. Individually, they will do activity 2.
•Session 4: in groups, practise for the show.
•Session 5: Activity 3 and 4.
•Session 6: Practise for the show, and activity 5 (in pairs, they will create a conversation related to juggling and circus, and it will be presented to the class).
•Session 7: practise for the show and also they will have the activity 6 as homework.
•Session 8: practise for the show. Collect the homework.
•Session 9: big show test.
•Session 10: The greatest circus, presentation to the younger children.ALGUNAS DE LAS ACTIVIDADES QUE LOS ALUMNOS DEBERÁN REALIZAR:
1- 1- Watch the video with new vocabulary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26sbYUDl8o4
2- 2- Read the articles and answer the questions (Intermediate and advanced level)
- Intermediate level http://www.esl-lounge.com/student/reading/2r9-circussuperlative-reading.php
- Advanced level Campaign to ban wild circus animals wins huge public support http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/nature/campaign-toban-wild-circus-animals-wins-huge-public-support-2282109.html
1- 3- Cloze test: CIRCUS Enlace: http://learningapps.org/1231757 Pantalla Completa-Link: http://LearningApps.org/watch?v=p6f2fhtan01
2- Watch the video and listen to the song http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/songs/when-the-circuscomes-town
3- 4- Conversations in pairs and exposition to the class.
4- 5- Search a specific circus on the internet and write a report about it describing its main features.
6- Performing a circus show to the younger students.
Por último, añado el enlace de la plantilla con mi UD,
Óscar Gómez Jiménez.